Peter Drucker believed so, and his thoughts on the topic are still among the most influential in the management community.The Practice of Managementwas a breakthrough book, published in 1954, and exposing for the first time many important concepts such as Management by Objectives. Peter Drucker w...
Peter F. Drucker彼得德鲁克简介 PeterF.Drucker Inhisbook"ThePracticeofManagement"publishedonNovember6th,1954,PeterDruckerputforwardanepochmakingconcept---MANAGEMENTBYOBJECTIVE(MBO),amostimportantandamostinfluentialconceptdevelopedbyPeterDrucker,whichhasbecomeansignificantcomponentpartinmodernmanagement.Thepublicationoft...
a“人力资源”一词是当代著名管理大师Peter F.Drucker于1954年在《管理的实践》中提出的。 “The human resources” a word was the present age manages Master Peter F.Drucker to propose famous in 1954 in "Management Practice".[translate]
Peter F. Drucker彼得德鲁克简介.ppt Peter F. Drucke r Inhisbook"ThePracticeof Management"publishedon November6th,1954,Peter Druckerputforwardanepoch- makingconcept--- MANAGEMENTBYOBJECTIVE (MBO),amostimportantanda mostinfluentialconceptdeveloped byPeterDrucker,whichhas becomeansignificantcomponent partinmoder...
《管理:使命、责任、实务》(Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices),1973年 《看不见的革命》(The Unseen Revolution),1976年(1996年以《退休基金革命》(The Pension Fund Revolution)重版) 《人与绩效:德鲁克论管理精华》(People and Performance: The Best of Peter Drucker on Management),1977年 ...
29.Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management.1998.《德鲁克论管理》,机械工业出版社,本文集收录的是彼得·德鲁克发表在《哈佛商业评论》上具有里程碑意义的文章,这些文章的目的在于阐述两个统一的主题:一个是“管理者的责任”,另一个是“管理者的世界”。书中还收录了德鲁克就“后资本主义时代的管理者”这一...
32.《德鲁克看亚洲:德鲁克与中内的对话》(Drucker on Asia:A Dialogue between Peter Drucker and Isao Nakauchi) - 1997 33.《德鲁克论管理》(Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management) - 1998 34.《21世纪的管理挑战》(Management Challenges for the 21st Century)- 1999 ...
32.德鲁克看亚洲:德鲁克与中内的对话Drucker on Asia: A Dialogue between Peter Drucker and Isao Nakauchi -1997 33.德鲁克论管理Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management - 1998 34. 21世纪的管理挑战Management Challenges for the 21st Century - 1999 35.九十年代的管理-彼得.德鲁克-1999 35.德鲁克精...
As a prolific writer who published some 40 books, Peter Drucker has left us with an abundant and wide-ranging legacy—such that it is sometimes hard to decide the heading his most significant and lasting lessons belong under. Unlike other management writ