Take the health journey of a patient in Peter Attia’s medical practice in this one-of-a-kind digital program.
Today, what began as a personal blog about nutrition has grown into the site you see here: An ever-expanding hub of content on exercise, nutrition, metabolic disease, and all other topics related to the science of longevity. I’ve written and interviewed experts about topics I get asked abo...
Peter Attia’s Supplement Stack: Supplements & DrugsDosage / Info Taken Daily Omega-3 Fish Oil Approx. 2.5g of EPA & 1g of DHA Vitamin D Targets 40 – 60 ng/ml blood level Magnesium Multiple types per day, up to 1 gram total Folate (B9) & Vitamin B12 1 tablet per day Vitamin B6...
Being a medical provider myself, I like that his blog is research driven, always backing up is knowledge with facts. Very Smart, leads active lifestyle, seeks longevity medicine, biohacker, and simply a “cool” person. via Apple Podcasts ...
Peter Attia, MD, is the host of The Drive podcast and founder of Early Medical, a medical practice that applies the principles of Medicine 3.0 to patients with the goal of simultaneously lengthening their lifespan and increasing their healthspan. More Media Appearances Peter has had the honor...
Before diving into the videos, I know at least one person is reading this and thinking, “What the hell is Attia talking about? He’s the king of doing stupid stuff like flipping 450-pound tires, swimming 12 hours, doing Tabata deadlifts…” And you’d be right. I do/did a lot of...
Sign up to receiveLive Better, Longer: An Introductory Guide to Longevity by Peter Attia, weekly longevity-focused articles, and new podcast announcements. Defining energy balance and the role of calories [2:30] Most people thinkenergy balanceis about tracking calories in and calories out ...