Why did he take a chance and leave it up to Paul to write a clarifying text? This presumes, of course, that 1 Corinthians was written after Matthew’s Gospel; if it came first, it could not have been written to clarify it. The reason, of course, is that Matthew knew full well ...
NHS Heroes Awards with Paul O Grady (2018) (TV Special) - Self When Award Shows Go Horribly Wrong (2018) (TV Special) - Self - Winner: Highest-selling Australian single of the year, ARIA Awards 1993 All Round to Mrs. Brown's (2017) (TV Series) - Self - Interviewed Guest ...
Other Pauline allusions to the collection, however,13 give the impression that it was Paul's own idea. The author of 1 Cor 16 even wrongly remembers Galatians as containing instructions about the collection, while in Rom 15:13 the same or another "Paul" hopes that it "may be acceptable ...
Let’s not let the candidate for whom we vote be something that separates us from others in the Body of Christ. As the apostle Paul says, “Let’s agree together in the Lord.” Check out my full sermonHow Christians Can Live Biblically in an Election Season. I have lots of new conten...
想想1980年保罗·埃利希(Paul Ehrlich)与朱利安·西蒙(Julian Simon)关于资源稀缺性的著名赌约。虽然十年后西蒙赢得了这场赌局,但自1993年以来,以滚动十年的时间尺度来看,埃利希却一直占据上风。而这一点在政治阶层中几乎没有引起任何关注。 弗朗西斯·福山:这或许是我们正步入一个零和世界的早期迹象。 你最初是在...
So, the idea is this: why would Paul waste the precious space on the papyri that he’s writing on and the ink that he’s using in order to tell us about this rebuke of Peter, if Peter didn’t have all that much authority in the early Church, right?
There is also this (ladies, avert your eyes until the next paragraph): We eat the little porkers, so why not give them a good porking, too? This kind of argument will convince many. What’s fascinating is our authoress begins her paper by decrying religion, saying “We can already ...
According to Galatians, Paul saw none of the apostles on this occasion except Peter and James: it is therefore probable that none of the others were then in Jerusalem. After this Peter made another journey, visiting especially Lydda, Joppa and Caesarea. His stay at Lydda was marked by the ...
But sometimes it's good to get out of your social and political bubble. And as a Minnesota sports fan, I sometimes tune in to internet streams of the local sports radio. Today, Paul Allen of KFAN decided to dedicate a segment of his show to talking about the shooting. For this I can...
In the face of these eventualities, Christians were exhorted against being corrupted by heretical teachings and falling into error. The chief concern of this epistle, not unlike the latter epistles of Paul and those of James and Jude, was heresy. 1. Unity. In critical discussions the basic ...