Pete猫冒险:爱鞋之旅👟《Pete the Cat》系列绘本,由美国的艾瑞克·利温和詹姆斯·迪安共同创作,是美国儿童情绪绘本中的畅销之作。这个系列讲述了Pete the Cat的种种冒险故事,充满了趣味和教育意义。 Pete的爱鞋之旅 👟 Pete the Cat走路时总是小心翼翼,尤其是他心爱的白鞋。他爱那双鞋,爱得如痴如醉。有...
Pete the Cat 非常喜欢他的小白鞋,这是他第一次穿这双鞋。他一边走一边开心地唱着:🎶 "I love my white shoes, I love my white shoes."🍓 突然,他踩到了一堆草莓,小白鞋被染成了红色!他变成了小红鞋!这太糟糕了!可是,Pete 并没有哭,也没有沮丧,他继续乐观地唱着:🎶 "I love my red shoes...
Pete the cat was walking down the street in his brand-new white shoes. 皮特猫穿着他崭新的白鞋子走在路上 Pete loved his white shoes so much, he sang this song: 他太爱他的白鞋子了 于是唱起歌来: I love my white shoes, I love my white shoes.. I love my white shoes, I love my w...
“I love my brown shoes. I love my brown shoes. I love my brown shoes. I love my brown shoes.” 我爱我的棕鞋子,我爱我的棕鞋子。 我爱我的棕鞋子,我爱我的棕鞋子。 Oh no! Pete stepped in a bucket of water. And all the brown, and all the blue, and all the red were washed aw...
亲爱的宝爸宝妈们,今天要为大家推荐一部孩子们超爱的睡前故事——《Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes》(皮特猫:我爱我的白鞋)! 皮特猫是一只酷酷的小猫,它有一双崭新的白鞋,但一路上发生了一些意想不到的趣事。 快带着孩子...
🌟 Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes Pete有一双非常喜欢的白鞋。穿着白鞋踏过草莓堆、蓝莓堆和泥地后,鞋子变红了,但Pete没有哭,反而唱着“I love my red shoes. I love my red shoes. I love my red shoes.”,引导小朋友无论遇到什么都要坚持向前,同时学习颜色。 🌟 Pete the Cat Rocking ...
Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes 绘本解读 Here comes Pete strolling down the street, rocking red shoes on his four furry feet. Pete is going to school, and he sings this song: "I'm rocking in my school shoes, I'm rocking in my school shoes, ...
Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes 皮特猫-穿着学校鞋子去摇滚 Here comes Pete strolling down the street, rocking red shoes on his four furry feet. Pete is going to school, and he sings this song: 皮特猫沿着街道漫步, 四条毛茸茸的脚 穿着红色的鞋子摇摇摆摆。 皮特要去上学了, 他唱着歌...
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes 《皮特猫: 我爱我的白色鞋子》 Pete the cat was walking down the street in his brand-new white shoes. 皮特猫正穿着他的崭新的白鞋走在街上。 Pete loved his white shoes so much...
Pete the cat - I love my white shoes 桐乡市凤鸣天女中心小学 陈怡Dark blue fur,Golden eyes,Long whiskers,White shoes!Who’s he?Yes, that’s Pete.Pete the cat是一套在美国家喻户晓、几乎每个孩子必读的经典绘本,也是美国最畅销的儿童情绪绘本。Pete the Cat系列图书在全球已经畅销了近千万册,并被译...