Pete the cat was walking down the street in his brand-new white shoes. Pete loved his white shoes so much, he sang this song: 皮特猫穿着崭新的白色鞋子走在街上。 他非常喜欢他的白色鞋子,他边走边唱: “I love my wh...
“I love my brown shoes. I love my brown shoes. I love my brown shoes. I love my brown shoes.” 我爱我的棕鞋子,我爱我的棕鞋子。 我爱我的棕鞋子,我爱我的棕鞋子。 Oh no! Pete stepped in a bucket of water. And all the brown, and all the blue, and all the red were washed aw...
Pete the cat was walking down the street in his brand-new white shoes. 皮特猫穿着他崭新的白鞋子走在路上 Pete loved his white shoes so much, he sang this song: 他太爱他的白鞋子了 于是唱起歌来: I love my white shoes, I love my white shoes.. I love my white shoes, I love my w...
【英文绘本朗读】【皮特猫:公共汽车的轮子】'Pete the Cat- The Wheels on the Bus' 129 0 06:17 App 【英文绘本朗读】【皮特猫和毛毛虫】Pete the Cat and the Cool Caterpillar' 228 0 04:06 App 'Pete the Cat- I Love My White Shoes' 【皮特猫:我喜欢我的小白鞋】【英文绘本朗读】 194 0 04...
1 Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes(公众号-haoma20201)V-haoma202010海量资源免费分享 2 Pete the cat and his four Groovy Buttons!(公众号-haoma20201)V-haoma202010海量资源免费分享 3 Pete the Cat Saves Christmas(公众号-haoma20201)V-haoma202010海量资源免费分享 4 Pete the Cat Rocking in My Sc...
Pete the cat - I love my white shoes 桐乡市凤鸣天女中心小学 陈怡 Dark blue fur, Golden eyes, Long whiskers, White shoes! Who’s he? Yes, that’s Pete. Pete the cat是一套在美国家喻户晓、几乎每个孩子必读的经...
Pete the cat was walking down the street in his brand-new white shoes. Pete loved his white shoes so much, he sang this song: 皮特猫穿着崭新的白色鞋子走在街上。他非常喜欢他的白色鞋子,他边走边唱: M…
Pete's Red Shoes Pete the Cat $39.50 Yellow Vase, Purple Mood Pete the Cat $39.50 Fancy Chair Pete the Cat $39.50 Pile of Strawberries Pete the Cat $39.50 Payphone Pete the Cat $39.50 Pete Watching Yellow Bird Pete the Cat $39.50 ...
Pete the Cat《皮特猫》是一套在美国家喻户晓、几乎每个孩子必读的经典绘本,也是全美的情绪绘本,几乎每个家庭的孩子都拥有一册《皮特猫》。《皮特猫》系列有利于培养孩子自信、乐观、勇敢的品格,它让孩子学会接纳自己、直面困难、乐于分享!更重要的是,孩子可以从中学会认知自己的情绪,学会哈哈大笑,变得更自信、更乐观、...
I love my white shoes.我爱白色的鞋,这本是Pete the cat系列中,非常经典的一本,书中Pete遇到好几次倒霉事,把它最爱的白鞋子染成了各种颜色,但他却欣然接受了改变,并给自己鼓励,是一本很好的帮助小宝宝遇到挫折调整情绪的书。 艾瑞克・利温(Eric Litwin): ...