欢迎来到博士妈妈读英文绘本,今天给大家分享的绘本故事是Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons,通过这个故事可以学一些简单的数学算法噢! 这只可爱的猫咪总是随遇而安,无论遇到什么倒霉的事情,它都一派轻松,保持愉快的心情去笑对一切,我们一起来听听吧! 二 看看Pete的扣子最后剩了几个? Pete the Cat - 腾...
Pete The Cat by:头大如豆 5192 Pete the Cat by:Mina妈妈教英语 2071 Pete the cat by:英语随记 1438 Pete the cat by:珠海菁英文 68.5万 Pete the cat by:阿尔忒尼斯之舟 2085 Pete猫 by:成都英语私教刘老师 1.1万 皮特猫Pete the cat by:原版英文阅读 ...
Pete the Cat put on his favorite shirt with four big, coloful, round, groovy buttons. 皮特猫穿上它最爱的黄衬衫,那上面有四颗大大的,彩色的,圆圆的,超级棒的扣子。 He loved his buttons so much, he sang this song: 它非常喜欢它的扣子,它唱着歌: "My buttons, my buttons, my four groovy bu...
Pete the Cat put on his favorite shirt with four big, colorful, round, groovy buttons. 皮特猫穿上它最爱的黄衬衫,那上面有四颗大大的,彩色的,圆圆的,超级棒的扣子。 He loved his buttons so much, he sang this song: ...
绘本《Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons》是一本非常有趣的绘本。主人公是一只深蓝色皮毛、个性洒脱独特的小猫Pete,这只可爱的猫咪总是随遇而安,无论遇到什么倒霉的事情,它都一派轻松,保持愉快的心情去笑对一切。 《皮特猫...
你可以通过Pete the Cat I love My White shoes让孩子学会顺其自然,不拘细节,在Pete the Cat Saves Christmas让孩子知道要迎难而上,不惧艰难,在Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons让孩子在阅读中增加数字概念和逻辑思维,并且通过讲解皮特失去心爱之物的乐观表现给孩子树立一个良好示范。你也可以从Pete th...
英语绘本故事原声阅读《PETE THE CAT and HIS MAGIC SUNGLASSES》 1402021-03 4 英语绘本故事原声阅读《PETE THE CAT and HIS MAGIC SUNGLASSES》 1562021-03 5 英语绘本故事原声阅读《GRUMPY MONKEY》 2112021-03 6 英语绘本故事原声阅读《IF ANIMALS KISSED GOODNIGHT》 2502021-03 7 英语绘本原声阅读《HOW TO BAB...
Pete the Cat’s Trip to the Supermarket经典儿童英文启蒙绘本皮特猫系列 6331 0 01:52 App Oops!大卫不可以系列儿童英文启蒙绘本 6635 0 03:21 App 儿童睡前故事《水晶泥的危害》 3043 0 02:52 App I Am Going 经典儿童英文启蒙绘本小猪小象系列 1.8万 0 04:04 App It's Chistmas David大卫不可以作者...
绘本《Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons》,HarperCollins 绘本内容 Pete the Cat loves his four groovy buttons… but can he keep singing without them? Pete the Cat is back in another rock’n’roll story about staying positive no matter what life throws at you. ...
Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses 这几本内容都比较简单,语言富含韵律感,且这只皮特猫阳光快乐的生活态度,读起来心都是晴朗的。 当然,Pete the Cat 系列还有许多,也都很经典,值得一读。不过我和惜若的共读习惯比较慢,倾向精读,所以我比较少买大套装,都是挑当前感兴趣的主题来买。