将目录切换到你将创建的petalinux工程的目录下。例:如果你想要在/home/user: cd /home/user 运行petalinux-create命令: petalinux-create -t project -s 你将会看到如下输出(根据你安装的bsp) qile@ubuntu:~/Desktop/zed-bsp$ petalinux-create -t project -s /home/qile/Downloads/Avnet-Digilent-ZedBoard-v20...
petalinux-boot –jtag –prebuilt 3 在QEMU中测试预先的镜像 Petalinux提供QEMU支持,可以让软件在一个不需要硬件的仿真环境下测试。 1. 切换到工程目录,启动预构建的内核镜像。 petalinux-boot –qemu –prebuilt 3 * The –prebuilt 1 performs a Level 1 (FPGA bitstream) boot. This option is not valid ...
petalinux-create -t project -s {可以在petalinux dewnload页面上找到开发板的bsp文件的路径} \ xilinx-zcu102-v2017.3-final.bsp -n pl_eth_10gcd pl_eth_10gpetalinux-config --get- hw-description = {成功构建的10G示例vivado项目的路径和导出的hdf文件} /pl_eth_10g.sdk/ ...
对于VCK190单板,使用下列脚本,可以得到所有BSP相关的代码。之后可以修改代码。修改完成后,再使用命令“ petalinux-devtool finish”可以创建补丁。 ## Get the source code from git url specifi ed in meta-layers:# petalinux-devtool modify <recipe-name>## Creates a patch for the committed changes in reci...
New with the release of BSPs for PetaLinux 2021.1 is a BSP that adds NVMe SSD capability to the UltraZed-EV! What is NVMe? It is the industry standard for solid state drives (SSDs). The NVMe specification was designed specifically to optimize the performance of SS...
打开终端输入如下指令 source petalinux2021.1/settings.sh petalinux-package --bsp -p --output MY...
在Ultra96 电路板的 2018.2 PetaLinux BSP 中,这是一个已知问题。 解决该问题,请按以下步骤操作。 1.在 meta-user 层创建一个 pmu-firmware 目录,如下文所示(如果该目录还不存在的话)。 $ mkdir -p /project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/pmu-firmware/files2.创建一个/project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp...
PetaLinux 2016.2 UltraZed SOM+IO Carrier Card BSP 2016.2 Cancel Vote Up0Vote Down Sign in to reply Verify Answer Cancel 0jafoste47 年多前 Hello Mark, I would always suggest for you to have the same software versions. In some cases mism...
在使用Linux外部源代码编译PetaLinux工程时,遇到错误“.kernel-meta/bsp_definition: Directory nonexistent”。执行“petalinux-build -x mrproper -f”清理PetaLinux工程,并且在Linux外部源代码目录执行“make mrpr...
Petalinux 2024.1 installation (refer toUG1144) Petalinux project creation and build with BSP file The providedBSPfile follows the naming convention ofPetalinux_${MODULE_NAME}_${BASEBOARD_NAME}_${BOOT_MODE}.bsp. Using the Mercury ME-XU5-2EG-1I-D11E as an example in combination with the PE...