PetaLinux Tools 用户指南安装指南说明书 PetaLinux Tools User Guide Installation Guide UG976(v2014.2)June3,2014
ReferenceGuide12 SendFeedback UG1144(v2018.3)December5,2018 Chapter2:SettingUpYourEnvironment IMPORTANT:PetaLinuxv2018.3worksonlywithVivado2018.3. InstallationSteps Prerequisites TheprerequisitestoinstallthePetaLinuxtoolsare: •PetaLinuxToolsInstallationRequirementsiscompleted.SeetheInstallation Requirementsformoreinformatio...
PetaLinux environment set to ' /home/user/Xilinx/petalinx ' INFO: Checking free disk space INFO: Checking installed tools INFO: Checking installed development libraries INFO: Checking network and other services WARNING: No tftp server found - please refer to "PetaLinux SDK Installation Guide" for ...
1.安装petalinux的依赖环境安装petalinux的必要依赖环境,直接复制粘贴下面的命令行到shell中,系统自动下载安装下面的工具: sudo apt-get install build-essential vim tofrodos \ iproute2 gawk gcc git make net-tools zlib1g-dev \ libssl-dev flex bison libselinux1 libncurses5-dev \ tftpd lib32z1 lib32n...
首先确保Ubuntu虚拟机是打开的,在VMware Workstation的菜单栏点击“虚拟机”-->“重新安装 VMware Tools”,然后在虚拟机中会弹出一个光驱设备。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 mkdir/mnt/cdrom mount/dev/cdrom/mnt/cdrom cd/tmp #若/tmp文件夹下有vmware-tools-distrib文件夹,需要删除 ...
INFO: Checking installed tools INFO: Checking installed development libraries INFO: Checking network and other services WARNING: No tftp server found - please refer to "PetaLinux SDK Installation Guide" for its impact and solution Use/使用
'INFO: Checking free disk space INFO: Checking installed tools INFO: Checking installed development libraries INFO: Checking network and other services WARNING: No tftp server found - please refer to "PetaLinux SDK Installation Guide"for its impact and solution Use/使⽤ ...
Required Tools and Libraries 10 Installation Guide v12.12 .xilinx 2 About this Guide This document provides information on how to install PetaLinux SDK. Please note: the reader of this document is assumed to have basic Linux knowledge such as ...
Please refer to the PetaLinux Tools Installation Guide.Check the troubleshooting guide at the end of...
[WARNING] This is not a supported OS[INFO] Checking free disk space[INFO] Checking installed tools[ERROR] You are missing the following system tools required by PetaLinux:- xterm- autoconf- libtool- texinfo- zlib1g-dev- gcc-multilibPlease check PetaLinux installation guide - required tools and...