Failed to menu config project component... 解决办法 此处是由于Terminal(终端)的界面太窄导致的,把Terminal(终端)界面拉宽即可;重新执行命令【 petalinux-config --get-hw-description=*.xsa “path”】后,可以看到配置界面弹出来了,且没有了刚刚的错误。 do_rootfs:The postinstall intercept hook 'update_gio_...
print "\tINFO:"+conf+" not define in system config" ^ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print("\tINFO:"+conf+" not define in system config")? ERROR: Failed to generate meta-plnx-generated layer ERROR: Failed to config project. 看起来像是Python2和Python...
在使用petalinux-config --get-hw-description配置工程时出现以下错误。 [INFO] Sourcing buildtools INFO: Getting hardware description... INFO: Renaming BDcanfddtu_800_wrapper.xsa to system.xsa [INFO] Generating Kconfig for project ERROR: Failed to generate /home/shinn/prj/test/h1_petalinux_test/bui...
("package ifneeded hsi::help 0.1" script) ERROR: Failed to generate /home/john/workspace/petalinux/projects/avnet-digilent-zedboard-2016.4/build/misc/config/Kconfig.syshw ERROR: Failed to Kconfig project ERROR: Failed to config project.エ
ERROR: Failed to config project. petalinux-build produces the same output Any help would be appreciated! LikeReply aripod(Member) 7 years ago It seems that it is not a path naming issue. It does not matter how the folders are called, it is the same thing. ...
Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code. ERROR: Failed to build project. Check the /proj/hankf/kr260/v221/kr260-221-bsp-orig-0919-peta/build/build.log file for more details...
ERROR: Failed to add user layer: /mnt/hgfs/share/workspace/2TestProject/project-spec/meta-user ...
Failed to build project.Check the/proj/hankf/kr260/v221/kr260-221-bsp-orig-0919-peta/build/build.log fileformore details...
环境:RHEL 6.4 + Oracle + ASM单实例 1.重启主机后,+DATA diskgroup启动不成功,现象...
TMPDIRanytimethroughpetalinux-config--Yocto-settings.Donotconfigurethesame locationasTMPDIRfortwodifferentPetaLinuxprojects,thiscancausebuilderrors. Ifyourunlsfrom/home/user,youwillseetheinstalledproject(s).Formoredetailson thestructureofaPetaLinuxproject,seePetaLinuxProjectStructureinAppendixB. Troubleshooting Thisse...