Aside introducing from exciting new pets, Battle for Azeroth also brings some substantial changes to pet families: Pet appearances There are well over 100 new pet looks to tame!That's not including model updates for existing pets. And we suspect there are more on their way! See ourUpcoming ...
Patch 8.3: Visions of N'Zoth is the third major content patch of Battle for Azeroth. While it started out fairly modest, hotfixes have made this is an ENORMOUS patch for new hunter pet looks! Check out all the new looks below...
This guide documents all the Hidden Battle Pet Vendors in Battle for Azeroth, and as such, it acts as a reference hub for every Horde and Alliance hidden battle pet vendor in Zandalar and Kul Tiras.
The first major patch of Shadowlands brings with it World of Warcraft's third Megadungeon, following the Return to Karazhan in Legion and Operation: Mechagon in Battle for Azeroth. Click to read more Discussion How would you feel about World of Warcraft (or apps related to it) coming to oth...
Approximate Drop Rate:1 in 6 Venomwing—[Venomwing] Vendor:World Vendors Cost:50(unlimited supply) Wild Corpsefly Pet Battle:[25]Korthia Winged Arachnoid Pet Battle:[25]Hallowfall; [25]Azj-Kahet Ziggy—[Ziggy] Vendor:Sean Wilkers
Here's a full list of each race's trainable companion. Note that many of these pets are also available from vendors located in or nearby faction capitals. Blue Moth- Draenei Snowshoe Rabbit- Dwarf & Gnome Orange Tabby Cat- Human Great Horned Owl- Night Elf ...
Speak to any of the vendors inside and purchase a Small Paper Zeppelin for 1 and then throw that to your orphan. Make sure you don’t buy the Paper Zeppelin Kit instead! Turn in the quest to receive the final part, Back To The Orphanage. Head back to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran ...
Patch 8.2: Rise of Azshara is the second major content patch of Battle for Azeroth, and opens up two large quest zones: Mechagon, kingdom of the mechagnomes, and Nazjatar, capital city of the naga. As expected, the patch introduces a number of new semi-aquatic pets, including spider ...
Vortex — [Air Storm Essence] World Quest: Cutting Wind [70] Zone: The Forbidden Reach Warbot — [Warbot Ignition Key] Promotion: Mountain Dew Promotion (Summer 2009) Vendor: World Vendors Cost: 50 (unlimited supply) Withering Creeper Pet Battle: [25] Revendreth1-17 of 17 ©...