PS99/Pets go/PSX (pet simulator X) Script updated for new update 2024-11-12 SCRIPT: loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))() copy this script and paste into injector this is an all in 1 ...
Pet Simulator 99 Script Hack Dupe Auto Farm Pastebin 2025 No Key Tradescam Exploit Keyless Auto Play Pet Games! PC & MOBILE OP GUI EVENT AUTO FARM, AUTO PLAY PET GAMES FULLY - Renbeako00/Pet-Simulator-99
--🆕 Updated (03/01/2024) (Insane Script, Fast Farm Gems) -- Auto Farm, Auto Ranks, Auto Rebirth, AutoClaim, No Egg Animation, Fortune Wheel Dupe --Script📝: loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() ...
loadstring(game:HttpGetAsync(""))() --- Tags:Pet simulator xscamPsx Scam TradeScam Trade Advertisement
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