Simulator 99 🐾 游戏频道 0 【宠物模拟器X🐾玩家大量退坑!竟然因为''他''到底发生甚么事情了诈骗外挂一起来探讨原因】官方再不处理可能会更加严重!PetSimulator 游戏频道 4 【宠物模拟器Z🐾!我所有泰坦的大宠啦!!】度100%的游戏!甚么宠都能拥有太爽啦!PetSimulator Z! 🐾 ...
Pet Simulator 2 Pets Eggs Biomes Changelog Pet Simulator X Pets Huge Pets Titanic Pets Eggs Biomes Trading Changelog Other Features Boosts Machines Upgrades Enchants Hardcore Mode Gamepasses Pet Simulator 99 Pets Huge Pets Titanic Pets Gargantuan Pets Eggs Areas...
The Elf Dog is an Event pet in Pet Simulator X. It could've been obtained from the Christmas 2022 Stocking with a chance of 49%. Companion II (Unique) - Pet will always be 60% as strong as your best pets. Random Enchantment This pet is a re-skin of the D
Pet Simulator 99 values help you ensure you're getting the best price for all your pets, eggs, and items, whether you're buying or selling.
The Huge Amethyst Dragon is an Exclusive pet in Pet Simulator X. It could've been obtained from the Exclusive Pets Egg with a chance of 0.7%. Best Friend (Unique) - Pet will always be stronger than your best pets. Random Enchantment This pet is a re-skin
The Festive Elf is a Rare pet in Pet Simulator X. It could’ve been obtained from the Christmas Tree Egg and the Egg of Many Gifts with the chances of 3% and 80% respectively. This pet is a re-skin of the Goblin. The third part of the April Fool's achiev