Reorientation of transaxial cardiac PET images into short-axis images has been shown by other investigators to improve visual identifiability of defects in myocardial tracer uptake. However, quantification of physiologic processes from such reoriented images may be complicated by errors introduced during th...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGINGDe Jong HWAM, Lubberink M. Issues in quantification of cardiac PET studies. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2007;34:316-9.De Jong HWAM, Lubberink M. Issues in quantification of cardiac PET studies. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2007;34...
The proposed MR sequence is able to capture the occurring deformations in a short scan time leaving free acquisition time for further diagnostic sequences. The retrieved image quality is sufficient to determine Conclusions We propose a system to perform respiratory and cardiac PET motion correction ...
The PET scan is used in place of, but not in addition to, a single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), in persons who meet medical necessity criteria for a cardiac SPECT (seeCPB 0376 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT));or For use in assessment of coronary artery dis...
Application of PET in the case of Infective Endocarditis (IE) is still in its infancy and indeed the value of this application in the detection of vegetations is debated primarily due to sensitivity issues of the tracer in cardiac tissue and small vegetations. Interestingly, however, reports ...
Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness that starts with minor symptoms, such as loss of appetite, but worsens as it progresses, often leading to joint problems, kidney failure, cardiac issues and even neurologic damage. The Lyme vaccine is a two-shot series with an annual booster. Check with...
clin_ct_cardiac clin_ct_digestive clin_ct_all_bones_v1 clin_pt_fdg_brain_v1 Preclinical 🐁 preclin_ct_legs preclin_mr_all Each model is designed to provide high-quality segmentation with MOOSE 2.0's optimized algorithms and data-centric AI principles. Star History 🤩 Citations ️...
Image-derived input functions for determination of MRGlu in cardiac 18F-FDG PET scans. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2001; 42(11): 1622–9. 2. Henriksen A, Lonsdale M, Fuglø D, Kondziella D, Nersesjan V, Marner L. Non-invasive quantification of cerebral glucose metabolism using Gjedde...
[14]. In clinical PET-CT examinations, some of the challenges in cardiac and lung imaging can be overcome by allowing free breathing and averaging the dynamic CT images [18] or even a static CT image during free-breathing seems to be quite insensitive to misalignment errors [19]. As ...
Dynamic cardiac PET may be used as a noninvasive alternative as each PET study injects an indicator, the PET tracer, and tracks its thoracic distribution in a patient. The addition of indicator dilution measurements to a myocardial scan enables interesting opportunities for integration of global hem...