《宠物大营救 Pet Rescue Saga》是一款消除类游戏.你能通过消除砖块,把所有宠物从邪恶的诱拐者手中救出来么.游戏共有72个关卡等着你的挑战,赶紧加入这让人惊讶的奇妙冒险中吧! 游戏玩法: 首先由于已经分别推出的了ios和安卓版本,所以有喜欢本款游戏的玩家们速来下载体验吧!游戏的基本玩法和《糖果粉碎传奇》相似,...
Pet Rescue Saga是很可爱的安卓手机消除游戏,丰富的关卡,超可爱的宠物们和你一起闯关,多种道具助你一臂之力!游戏采用精致的卡通画风打造,消除特效炫彩华丽,搭配欢乐的背景音乐,还融入解谜元素,感兴趣的小伙伴不要错过哦! 游戏介绍 Pet Rescue Saga是由糖果传奇和糖果苏打传奇这两款游戏的开发商鼎力打造! 匹配两个...
宠物大营救(Pet Rescue Saga)是糖果粉碎传奇的开发商游戏公司King开发的一款充满趣味的休闲小游戏。游戏的目标是通过控制屏幕下方的船,接住所有下落的动物。你能通过消除砖块,把所有宠物从邪恶的诱拐者手中救出来么。游戏共有72个关卡等着你的挑战,赶紧加入这让人惊讶的奇妙冒险中吧。宠物们渴望有人搭救!现在请伸出...
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From the makers of Candy Crush Saga & Farm Heroes Saga, King presents Pet Rescue Saga! Match two or more blocks of the same color to clear the level and save t…
Pet Rescue Puzzle Saga is one of the most intelligent games we've played this year. Not in the sense that it's going to test your grey matter, far from it in fact. The intelligence displayed here involves building the perfect compulsion loop - this isn't
宠物拯救传奇是由糖果传奇和糖果苏打传奇这两款游戏的开发商鼎力打造! 匹配两个或更多同色砖块来移除障碍,从邪恶的宠物大盗手中解救宠物!不过步数有限,所以要好好计划哦。在这款有趣并可爱的消除游戏中,挑战自己的解谜技巧吧! 您既可以独自踏上这段解谜传奇之旅,也能与好友一起游戏,看看谁才是得分王! 宠物拯救...
Download Pet Rescue Puzzle Saga on PC with MEmu Android Emulator. Enjoy playing on big screen. New match 2 puzzle game from King, from the makers of the latest hit Candy Crush Friends Saga.
If you've been playing a bit of Pet Rescue Puzzle Saga, you might've noticed obstacles have a tendency to get in the way. Obstacles can block objectives and make it difficult to progress in stages. Breaking them down is important, but that's easier said than ...
Puppies and kittens are stuck between the puzzle blocks in this Pet Rescue Saga adventure and need your help! Hurry and save them from the evil Pet Snatchers! Match 2 or more blocks of the same color to clear the levels and save the pets. Matching moves are limited so plan carefully to...