A woman came in one day with a Golden Retriever, their first time with us. He was, without a doubt, the most perfect example of the breed I have ever seen in my life. She brought her whole folder in so we could just copy over whatever information we needed (which happened a lot),...
Inoculation Record - keep your pet's vaccination records in one place for easier customs clearance Pet Passport Folder - (Free with First Class Mail Delivery Options above) Click Here to View The collection of documents mentioned above will comprise the pet passport for your dog or cat to enter...
Want to carry your pet's paperwork in your pocket? We'll upload and organize your pet's vaccine records and basic info. So you can easily access those important details and share them with all the people who care for your pet. (No messy manilla folder required.)Personalized...
The Kin App is your single source of truth for expert answers, everyday advice and all your pet's info all in one place.
# Print dataset basic informationprint("records read: "+ str(df.count())) print("Schema: ") df.printSchema() Tietojen muuntaminen Muunna tietojoukon sarakkeet oikeisiin tyyppeihin: Python importpyspark.sql.functionsasF df_columns = df.columns df_columns.remove(TARGET_COL)# Ensure that...
AMOS MRIMRIThorax1660https://zenodo.org/records/7262581 ATLASR2MRIBrain1654http://fcon_1000.projects.nitrc.org/indi/retro/atlas.html ATLASMRIAbdomen260https://atlas-challenge.u-bourgogne.fr autoPETPETWhole Body1501https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=93258287 ...
log files created by the tests (if you want to inspect them, otherwise they will be deleted after the completed tests), and--folder=to specify a folder where to store the HDF5 files instead of the temporary one. If the folder cannot be created, the program defaults totempfile.gettempdir(...
This year's best dog apps help make pet parenting life a little bit easier—and more fun! Feel free to group all your dog apps together in one folder for even quicker access, and don't forget to share your favorites with fellow pet parents. Our recommendations are sure to be an app-...
aTake charity, become immortal through cultivating as records 作为慈善,变得不朽通过耕种作为纪录 [translate] aTthe Adventures of Sherlock Holmes By Sir AuthurConan Doyle [translate] ahe didn't even have the grace to look embarrassed. 他甚而没有雍容到困窘的看起来。 [translate] a,尽管他以前犯过错 ...
that belong to your family or cat loving friends. These zones can be easily created via a mobile application that is free to download. Different GPS trackers offer additional features in their app such as location history and even a digital folder for storing medical records and other helpful ...