Alexander The GreatCatnip and play alone make Alexander conscious that he's a cat.Event QuestsN/AHalf-Year Anniversary --- Summerfest Baby PandaA naive little guy with short legs, but an agile and brave companion nevertheless.Sharing the completed event puzzleN/APanda's Protector ...
A pet is a non-combat NPC loyal to a player that generally requires a certain level in Summoning to own. Typically, a player must raise a pet to maturity by having it follow them. Many pets can also be fed and interacted with. Most pets do not serve a pu
[[ N Legion Pet Battle World Quests|N|To use this guide, look on your world map for an active battle pet world quest and go there. When the quest pops up, the guide will load pets for the strategy chosen by the addon automatically. If the strategy can accommodate a leveling pet, it...
An exclusive double sided promo card for backers of Cyber Pet Quest kickstarter campaign. It was packaged in a small ziplock bag and separate from the base game. Card Type: Charm Level 1 - Spend 5 luck and 1 time during this pet's turn you may use one of its Powers one more time....
WoWPro:GuideSteps(guide, function() return [[ N Legion Pet Battle World Quests|N|To use this guide, look on your world map for an active battle pet world quest and go there. When the quest pops up, the guide will load pets for the strategy chosen by the addon automatically. If the...
WoWPro:GuideSteps(guide, function() return [[ N Legion Pet Battle World Quests|N|To use this guide, look on your world map for an active battle pet world quest and go there. When the quest pops up, the guide will load pets for the strategy chosen by the addon automatically. If the...
If you’d rather justleave a commentwith any mistakes you find in them, someone else can add the changes to the file at a later time. Source Code local guide = WoWPro:RegisterGuide(“RajiPetBattles”,’Dailies’, “Vale of Eternal Blossoms”, “Rajitazi”, “Alliance”) ...
I will easily concede my quest for position binding for an Esper style function. Lol. I've been meaning to try such a sequence out using battle core and your plugin for the larger summons/transformations in my project but we'll see jedite1000 Regular Joined Nov 16, 2021 Messages 286...
Current 220 experience +250Darkspear Trolls Quest progression [10-30]The Defense of Grom'gol: Raptor Risk [10-30]A Lashtail Hatchling [10-30]I Think She's Hungry [10-30]Favored Skull [10-30]A Nose for This Sort of Thing [10-30]Who's a Big Troll?
Type tcp will dial the service port and type http will send a http rquest to service and require a 200 response. Type tcp configuration: # frpc.ini [test1] type = tcp local_port = 22 remote_port = 6000 # enable tcp health check health_check_type = tcp # dial timeout seconds health...