3. Reflect on your performance in the reading and writing tasks. 4. Practice speaking about pets with a partner or in front of a mirror. 5. Assess your overall understanding of the unit by answering the following question: What did you learn in this unit about pets?©...
It can be a topic you're familiar with or a picture you have to describe. It's a fun way to practice speaking in English. Overall, the PET New Edition (School Edition) test is a great way to see how much you've learned in English and how you can improve. So, study hard and ...
Verbal Comprehension (Reading comprehension) Quantitative Problem Solving (mathematics word problems) Data Interpretation (numerical pattern completion) Reasoning (syllogisms) PracticeQuiz presents 40 free originally written Professional Employment Test prep questions, written with explanatory answers to help you...
3.Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)考试标准设计的阅读理解题型,贴近托福雅思等标准考试,帮助学习者理解并熟悉。4.Reading Skill(阅读技能)阅读技技巧包括各种图形备忘笔记,帮助学生理解文章中关键信息之间的关系。每章都有不同的阅读技巧,该技巧的例子通常摘自本章节的阅读文章。5.Vocabulary Practice(词汇练习)每一章的...
1、每个单元由Warm Up、Reading Text、Reading Comprehension、Reading Skill、Vocabulary Practice及 Viewing等多个部分组成。 2、文章内容丰富多样,题材和体裁广泛,包括记叙文、说明文等,涵盖社会的不同话题。 【机构简介】 佛山洛德教育是大佛山地区大型、专业的外语外贸教育机构,拥有一支由的师资团队、专业的教育咨询团队...
7. The woman advises the man to practice speaking the language with ___. 8. The man believes that learning Spanish will be ___ for his future job. 9. The woman suggests that the man watch Spanish movies with ___. 10. The man is afraid of ___ when speaking Spanish. Section C...
Reading: - Practice reading different types of texts to improve your comprehension skills. - Pay attention to the key words and details in the text to answer the questions accurately. - Work on understanding the main idea of the text and how the different parts relate to each other. Writing...
Practice Practice = 1 \* ROMAN I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) ( ) 1. My uncle is ___ SPCA officer. He always helps animals find new homes. () A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. SPCA officers often save animals ___ danger and take them to the SPCA. () A...
• For the Reading component, candidates shade a lozenge on the answer sheet to show their answer. 9 Give learners practice reading texts with unfamiliar • For the Writing component, candidates write their vocabulary, learning to ignore words which are not answers on the correct part of the...
Reading Skills Major Exams Writing & VocabDialogue Completion ExercisesImprove your English reading and understanding skills with free dialogue completion exercises online. (KET, PET, IELTS practice)More Dialogue Exercises: 1. Dialogue Completion Exercise 1 / 2 2. ESL Conversation Exercise 3. Dialogue...