Terms for a Couple : Romantic Nicknames / Pet Names : These nicknames are for the couple as a unit. There are other categories for nicknames for your guy or girl in particular.
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My GF asked me to call her "Sweetie", she likes that. I used to call her Yin Yin (Rose Rose) but she claims I misspronounce it so badly she has no idea what I am saying.My
Please include the etymology for their names, however. UPDATE: I thought I reviewed this last time, never mind. Ubertrainer2000 said: Pogopogo Pogo-flop: Aside from its speed, every other stat is merely average. Spring Back is very niche. There ...
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If you are fighting and raising a Growlithe then you most likely aim to Finally use a flame rock on that tiny dude. With amazing offensive abilities and strong stats general, Arcanine is The huge doggo of this group. Plus it was among those names in the aggressive arena as it first began...