Multi-pet insurance plans allow you to get all your pets onto one insurance plan. Think of multi-pet insurance plans as a sort of family plan for your companions. As with other types of family plans, there is usually a discount available for multiple members being on the same plan. For ...
5% discount wheninsuring multiple pets. 5% annual discount. 10% discount if you bundle a pet insurance plan with home orrenters insurancefrom Lemonade. Customer reviews With more than 1,800 reviews, Lemonade has an excellent score on Trustpilot with 4.4 out of 5 stars (excellent), but this ...
Understandhow pet health insurance worksso you get the most from your benefits. Protect Your Pack Havemultiple pets? Enroll up to three pets on one policy with a shared deductible.3 Get Discounts Enroll inpet insurance through your employeror online to receive a discount.9,10,11 ...
Multi pet insurance means you can insure all your furry friends under one, easy-to-manage policy. You even get a 5% discount for doing so! We offer different levels of insurance for multiple pets, so you can make sure your canine companion or feline friend gets the right cover for their...
If an insurance company has no annual limit, there is no cap on how much they will pay out in claims for eligible veterinary costs.Does Each Pet Have a Deductible?When you buy pet insurance for multiple pets, you will have one policy for all your eligible pets or separate policies for ...
Get a quote to compare prices and policies that no other insurer has. See why pet owners voted ManyPets the most trusted cat & dog insurance provider in the UK.
Many insurers offer discounts forinsuring multiple pets, and some have discounts related to military service, adopting a shelter pet, and being claim-free. There are also some membership-based services that provide veterinary discount plans, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III). Thes...
Best pet insurance Best for preventative care: Spot Best for cats: Pets Best Best for dogs: Lemonade Best for senior pets: Figo Best for multiple pets: Pumpkin Best for pre-existing conditions: ASPCA Pet Health Insurance Best for accident and illness coverage: Healthy Paws Best for low deduc...
Seems like you are not in the United Kingdom Unfortunately, ManyPets doesn't currently operate in your country.
Nationwide Pet Insurance » 3.6 U.S. News Rating Sample Premium for Dogs: $45.96 Sample Premium for Cats: $22.66 Compare Quotes Best for Exotic Pets Pros: Sells policies for birds, reptiles, and other exotic pets Available in all 50 states Offers a discount for insuring multiple pets Cons...