傅里叶变换红外 (FTIR) 光谱是一种广泛使用的光谱技术,用于通过吸收频率确定化学官能团。不同的官能团具有特征红外 (IR) 辐射吸收频率,通常以吸光度作为波数的函数。使用 Spectrum 100 (Perkin Elmer) FTIR 光谱仪在衰减全反射模式下分析样品。使用 12 次扫描和 4 cm−1 分辨率作为采集条件记录光谱。记录所有样...
傅里叶变换红外 (FTIR) 光谱是一种广泛使用的光谱技术,用于通过吸收频率确定化学官能团。不同的官能团具有特征红外 (IR) 辐射吸收频率,通常以吸光度作为波数的函数。 使用Spectrum 100 (Perkin Elmer) FTIR 光谱仪在衰减全反射模式下分析样品。使用 12 次扫描和 4 cm−1 分辨率作为采集条件记录光谱。 记录所有样...
利用FTIR研究了聚合物中不同功能团的存在及其相互作用,采用Perkin Elmer Spectrum RXI IR光谱仪对制备的...
Figure S3. Temperature dependence of the three amide I components of Pet FTIR spectra. Light blue, dark blue, and red colors indicate components located at 1639-1634 cm-1, 1630-1624 cm-1, and 1624-1615 cm-1, respectively. Figure S4. Modeled conformational changes for Pet to shift to a ...
3 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 | Characterization of the modified nanosilica 3.1.1 | FTIR spectra analysis The FTIR spectra of SiO2, SiO2-TDI, SiO2-TDI-HTPB were shown in Figure 1. In the spectrum of silica, a significant absorption peak could be observed at 1099 cm−1 due to the ...
The compatibilizing efficiency for PP/PET blend was examined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of crycrofractured surfaces, and energy dispersive X-ray spectrum (EDAX). The results show that the grafted PP promotes a fine ...
Theoretically, the blue shift of the emission spectrum indicates that the protein may change from a loose structure to a more compact structure [60]. It is inferred that the enzyme exists in a more compact conformation. To determine the secondary structure of HiC in DES, we further analyzed ...
摘要:采用萃取法提取聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET )在熔融缩聚时产生的环状低聚体,以及采用溶液解聚法制备PET 环状低聚体,表征并对比了不同制备方法得到的环状低聚体的结构、组分分布及其热性能。结果表明:熔融缩聚中的萃取法以及借助二苯醚和正十六烷的溶液解聚法均能有效制备环状低聚体,其中二苯醚法得到的产率最...
溶解性:易溶于水 其他性质:具有高沸点、低毒性、无臭的特点,对高分子有较高溶解性,还有高极性、...
A Spectrum Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer Spectrum™ 65 in attenuated total reflection (ATR) mode with a zirconium crystal was used (PerkinElmer, MA, USA) to characterize the surface chemistry of the PET liner coupons and to identify particles recovered during the pilot experiment ...