24/7 advice from a UK qualified vet wherever you are Video calls enabling vets to see your pet face-to-face Text chat with the option to upload images Existing customer? Get PawSquad Direct Line has partnered with Pet Drugs Online, so you can get more out of your pet insurance. ...
If you'd like to discuss this further, please get in touch with us directly at customercare@petdrugsonline.co.uk please include your order number and full address with postcode so we can help out as quickly as possible. Kind regards,Chelsea Pet Prescription Customer Care Team HM Helen Mc...
Mold, feathers and drugs? You all hear the horror stories. A dog or cat tries a new bag of food, and they can’t breathe 15 minutes later. A trip to the vet can sometimes save them, but, in other instances, it’s too late. What causes this? Often times, contaminants in your pe...
Imaging analysis Structural MRI images were used for grey/white matter segmentation and region of interest (ROI) definition. A neuroanatomical atlas was co-registered on each subject’s MRI scan and PET image using a combination of Statistical Parametric Mapping 8 (http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk...
Whether the neighborhood teens are throwing firecrackers on your street… or your entire community is enjoying “the exuberant splendor” of a big fireworks display, your pet can become frantic and run away, trying to find a safe haven. More pets go miss