根据上述 PET 部分和 CT 部分的剂量范围,通常 PET/CT 全身检查致受检者的有效剂量为 5~19 mSv,与其他研究报道[12]的 12~15 mSv 相符,因此,PET/CT 致有效剂量通常相当于胸部 CT 到 2 个腹部和盆腔 CT 所致有效剂量之间,而胸部 CT、腹部和...
PET/CT imaging has a wide range of indications, especially in the clinical diagnosis of malignant tumors, which has unique value, including differential diagnosis of benign and malignant tumors, tumor staging, efficacy evaluation, monitoring of tumor r...
1、PET/CT肿瘤临床应用指南肿瘤临床应用指南Guideline for Tumor Imaging with 18F-FDG PET/CT1 Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography 正电子发射断层显像/ X 线计算器断层显像什么是PET/CT? 是利用正电子发射体标记的葡萄糖、氨基酸、胆碱、胸腺嘧啶及血流显像剂等药物为示踪剂,以解剖图象方式、从分子...
The purpose of these guidelines is to assist physicians in recommending, performing, interpreting and reporting the results of FDG PET/CT for oncological imaging of adult patients. PET is a quantitative imaging technique and therefore requires a common quality control (QC)/quality assurance (QA) pro...
[1]Khalil D., Lotfalla A., Girard A., Ha R., Dercle L., Seban R.-D. Advances in PET/CT Imaging for Breast Cancer Patients and Beyond. J. Clin. Med. 2023;12:651. doi: 10.3390/jcm12020651. [2]Baradaran A., Derakhshan M., Raeisi S., Neshat S., Raeisi S. Multicentricity ...
不过68Ga-PSMA-11由于通过肾脏排泄,存在局限性,如示踪剂在尿路积聚可影响RP后局部复发的诊断;而18F-PSMA-1007由于其肾脏排泄低,正好可以避免这方面的影响,18F-PSMA-PET/ CT所用示踪剂的正电子能量低,半衰期长,可进行延迟显像,能得到更高肿瘤/背景(tumor/ background,T/B)值的图像,对PCa复发病灶的检出比68Ga...
Discover United-Imaging's LYSO-based SIPM digital PET detector systems. Witness PET/CT & PET/MR revolution for molecular imaging.
Progression of comparison study between PET or PET-CT and magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging in the investigation of tumor Dong-yan WANG, Cheng-hai SU, Department of Nuclear Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China More Information ...
骨巨细胞瘤(giant cell tumor of bone,GCT)为一种临床较为常见的骨原发性肿瘤,大部分为良性肿瘤,部分生长活跃,极少数一开始就是恶性。GCT具有丰富的血管组织并含有单核基质细胞和很多破骨细胞样的多核巨细胞,其中基质细胞决定肿瘤的性质。Jaffe等[1]首次定义GCT并根据基质细胞的异型性及有丝分裂活动进行病理分级...
1、第十章 PET/CT在肿瘤诊断治疗中的应用显像,肿瘤代谢显像分类,糖代谢显像 氨基酸代谢显像 磷脂代谢显像 核酸代谢显像,一、糖代谢显像 糖代谢是核医学代谢显像中最常用、最经典的显像方法。18F-FDG是临床上应用最多的肿瘤代谢显像剂。 应用18F-FDG进行PET显像可获得可靠的葡萄糖代谢影像,借助生理学模型和参数,对...