Thanks for doing all of this for the Wizard101 community. I sent and email with a screen capture detailing a missing logic step in the calculator. I also wondered it was easy enough to have the calculator limit the Breed of the offspring to the 1 or 2 breed(s) of the parents. Terma...
* Dog and cat breed compare tool * Miscellaneous tools for dog and cat owners (chocolate toxicity meter, ideal weight calculator, pet food calculator, pain meter, kitten weight chart and age calculator) * Growth map for dogs and cats
2025 年 1 月 3 日,斯坦福大学宣布开源其最新研发的AI写作系统 STORM & Co-STORM,该系统能够通过简单的主题输入,快速... PPResume 更新: No Vendor Lock-in,对所有简历提供完整的 LaTeX 源代码 我们最近上线了一个重大功能,就是对所有在 PPResume 上的简历提供完整的 LaTeX 源代码,避免用户被厂商锁定( No ...
. Find out if you need a new license, what the leash laws are and if there are breed bans in your new city. Crate train beforehand.If your pets will need to be crated during the move, ensure they are crate trained so the new situation doesn’t stress them out. ...
* Dog and cat breed compare tool * Miscellaneous tools for dog and cat owners (chocolate toxicity meter, ideal weight calculator, pet food calculator, pain meter, kitten weight chart and age calculator) * Growth map for dogs and cats * Body Condition Score * RSS Feeds * First aid kit cont...