chemical,chemical substance- material produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules insect powder,insecticide- a chemical used to kill insects pediculicide- a chemical agent that kills lice phosphine- a colorless gas with a strong fishy smell; used as a pesticide ...
Approximately, 2 million tonnes of pesticides are utilized annually worldwide, where China is the major contributing country, followed by the USA and Argentina, which is increasing rapidly. However, by the year 2020, the global pesticide usage has been estimated to increase up to 3.5 million ...
To infer the causal effect of pesticide use, animal-pollinated agriculture and honeybee usage, we used DAGs to find the minimal set of adjustment variables, given each exposure set. First, we generated the DAG (Extended Data Fig.1a). We used the following logic when building the DAG: we a...
Approximately, 2 million tonnes of pesticides are utilized annually worldwide, where China is the major contributing country, followed by the USA and Argentina, which is increasing rapidly. However, by the year 2020, the global pesticide usage has been estimated to increase up to 3.5 million ...
usage to application by certified applicators. In turn, the latter would be expected to meet such standards of competency that safe and proper use of pesticides could be reasonably expected. In adopting this plan, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was charged with developing the standards ...
Dynamics of pesticide usage by vegetable growers in the highlands of Northern Mindanao, Philippines Vegetable growers in the Philippines are becoming dependent on the use of pesticides as a convenient approach to control pest and diseases. The highlands o... NR Gonzaga,AB Gonzaga,AMT Batuigas,.....
Hence, farmers’ exposure to pesticides needs to be reduced through the correct usage of PPE [4, 5]. Moreover, pesticide safe use practices can be promoted by designing specific strategies, like educational programs, to enhance the awareness level of farmers. In this review, the pooled ...
Specifically the study was carried out to identify the water sources used for the cultivation, disposal methods of empty pesticide containers, and the beliefs of the farmers on the crops and pesticide usage. Primary data for the study were collected from 80 (n=80) farmers in four villages of...
Unregulated and excessive utilization of pesticides is alarming,57 due to its uneven distribution and usage on selective crops and the limited reliance on alternative chemicals like biopesticides and botanicals. Twenty-three insect pests have been recorded in the wheat crop, of which termites and, to...
Phase 2- Provisional Clearance for demonstrating the usage and knowing information on sub-acute toxicity, chronic toxicity relating to teratogenicity, reproductive effect, mutagenicity, toxicity to nervous system, oncogenicity and carcinogenicity (if any) and toxic residues. In this respect, production or...