Neonicotinoids are used for a large variety of agricultural production crops such as vegetables, pome and stone fruits, citrus, rice, cotton, corn, potato, sugar beet, oilseed rape, and soybean among other crops [1,5]. In the United States, clothianidin (1850 US tons, with corn accounting ...
Pollen was removed from each trap immediately after each 48 h sampling period and stored at -12 C (10 °F) to preserve pesticide residues and to kill pests, such as ants and small hive beetles (Aethina tumida) and their eggs, which are commonly found in pollen traps in this area. ...
(by soil application); phorid and sciarid flies in mushroom cultivation; flies, lice, mites, fleas, cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, and other insect pests in animal houses and household use. Seed treatment for maize, for control of frit flies and also conferring bird-repellent properties. Also ...