Google Share on Facebook peso (redirected frompesos) Thesaurus Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia pe·so (pā′sō)·sos 1.Abbr.p.See Table atcurrency. 2.A silver coin that was formerly used in Spain and Spanish America; a piece of eight. ...
Peso argentino Peso Boliviano Peso Bruto Vehicular Combinado Peso colombiano Peso colombiano Peso colombiano Peso Convertible Peso de Corpo Vazio Peso ley Peso Mexicano Peso Problem Peso sign Peso sign Peso sign Peso sobre Volumen Peso Uruguayo Peso Uruguayo Peso Uruguayo Peso Vivo Peso Vivo Final Pes...
Dos semanas después, el peso mexicano fue devaluado drásticamente. Two weeks later the Mexican peso was drastically devalued, so I was not ruined once again. Literature Hoy el peso mexicano flota igual que el argentino. Mexico’s currency now floats, as does that of Argentina. Lit...
Google Share on Facebook dollar sign (redirected fromPeso sign) Thesaurus Encyclopedia dollar sign n. The symbol ($), used mainly to indicate a dollar amount. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company...