If you are in search of the behemoth pumpkin, spraying to control insects is unfortunately a must. If you do not spray, you risk a smaller pumpkin, or even worse consequences. Did You know?Insects out-number humans by trillions upon trillions. Why, there are billions more ants alone, than...
but we see this more often than you think. Shade curtains not closed fast enough on a sunny day, changes in media that affect water needs, and use of a pesticide on a new variety can all result in leaf burn that looks like insect or disease damage. Before you jump to conclusions...
It may seem a little weird, but it’s far better than slathering on the bug spray, and your clothes will smell amazing too. Here’s how to make your own dryer sheets. 4. Onion A common insect repellent trick handed down from the older generations is to slice up some onions, toss ’...
Stewart’s pest service technicians can spray for elm seed bugs. Make sure your windows have tight window screens and check for cracks in the caulking around the window frame. If your window frame is cracked, seal it up to help keep the bugs out. Check door frames for gaps or cracks, ...
You can do this with the spray and granulated products below: Once you have your grass treated, you will still have mosquitoes that will fly in from a neighbor's yard or from around your house. I've found that foggers are a great way to kill anything in the air. This stuff is ...
its ability to soothe insect bites and stings, as well as other skin irritations, so it’s one of many naturalpoison ivy remedies. Plantain works so well for issues such as this that Rosemary Gladstar calls it the “poultice herb supreme.” Use the plantain tea as a spray or make a ...