好久不见的PES2017烟雾大补今天带来了更新,是SmokePatch17 v2也就是17.2.0版本。这一新版的很多数据来自SP20也就是PES2020烟雾大补,所以部分球员和球队都进行调整甚至移除。现在烟雾大补不再包含脸型包,脸型包未来会作为单独的资源给大家提供下载,这也是这次烟补容量并不大的原因(现在有脸型包啦是:http://www.zuq...
为大家带来刚刚新鲜出炉的PES2017烟雾大补SmokePatch17 v17.3.1升级补丁,请基于之前的烟补SP17 V3完整版上安装使用:http://www.zuqiuba.com/pes2017/xiazai/13367.html,V3就是v17.3.0的意思。每次PES2021有更新的时候,其他烟补版本就会陆续进行更新,更新的内容大同小异,简单给大家介绍一下: - 更新了球员数据 ...
smokepatch17 v2 is a new version that uses the new database from SP20, the teams, players and many features are from the selection of the newer patch, due to pes17 limitations, around 70 teams, and 1000 players had to be removed so the database would fit pes 2017, more detailsHERE S...
预览 [补丁] 基于MJ Pes Patch V2.00的部分汉化存档 ddd354646 2017-1-25 11:42 01898 ddd354646 2017-1-25 11:42 预览 [补丁] PES2017葡萄牙PTE大补v4.0+fix[完整德甲+新球队+其他更新等] 神在风雨中 2017-1-20 14:22 64772 zach1886 2018-5-19 18:09 预览 [补丁] PES2017_G-style超全俱乐...
Download New Updated!! PES 2017 Smoke Patch 9.5 CSL Mini Add-On for Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 at ModdingWay. Patches, Mods, Updates, Kits, Faces, Kitserver, Stadiums for Pro Evolution Soccer 2017.
下载地址:http去://http://www.winning11cn掉.com/PES/pes2017文/patch/93015字.html授权贴吧发布 请尊重WECN,未经许可,禁止转载 点击展开,查看完整图片 lo龙ve 虚跑扯空 11 顶 有大运之人 绿茵快马 12 终于来了,支持 繁花看尽丶 重炮手 13 支持 笑谈这未央 重炮手 13 哇 博格坎普 门前...
1. Patch dpfilelist is changed: Reason: the patch has a certain priority with the files that might change in updates, this is why we do not recommend editing the patch dpfilelist, changing this file will change the patch system structure and will cause many problems such as this problem. ...
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