PES2017烟雾大补(SmokePatch17)发布了最新的v17.0.5升级补丁,这次对框架进行了改动,修改了系统文件夹,此外意乙现在完成了20支球队的最低要求,还纠正了意大利杯的错误。 这次有一点需要特别说明,不要使用之前为SP17单独发行的球场包,应该是stadium-server请删除掉或者重命名文件夹,然后耐心等待新的stadium-server,现在...
we got reports about a crash going to next season in ML, we test the patch in ML for seven consecutive seasons without any crash, but we reconstructed the league switcher to avoid any problems because we test the patch with the default leagues (first option), all options should work fine ...
下载地址:http去://http://www.winning11cn掉.com/PES/pes2017文/patch/93015字.html授权贴吧发布 请尊重WECN,未经许可,禁止转载 点击展开,查看完整图片 lo龙ve 虚跑扯空 11 顶 有大运之人 绿茵快马 12 终于来了,支持 繁花看尽丶 重炮手 13 支持 笑谈这未央 重炮手 13 哇 博格坎普 门前...
Download PES 2017 Miniface Patch 3.0. This is a mod for Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 video game. IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.
Download PES 2017 Patch, pc, ps2, ps3, xbox, playstation, latest update option file, single link, torrent, pro evolution soccer, single link is a hub for PES Patch, PES 2014 Patch, PES Edit, PES 2014 Updates, PES 2013 Patches, Xbox 360 & PS3 Option Files.
实况足球2017 Demo皇马授权补丁,Demo版适用。喜欢的朋友可以自行下载。 使用说明: 1.下载解压 2.放到游戏目录的download文件夹中 3.用PES2017CPK文件管理器自行添加CPK文件即可 附:PES2017CPK文件管理器下载地址,点击下载。 附:PES2017CPK文件管理器使用教程,点击查看。
smokepatch17 v2 is a new version that uses the new database from SP20, the teams, players and many features are from the selection of the newer patch, due to pes17 limitations, around 70 teams, and 1000 players had to be removed so the database would fit pes 2017, more detailsHERE ...
~~~全球首发~PES2017~PC正式版破解体验~~PES2017 Demo 埃及极限大补1.0(秒变正式版)~补丁内容:所有球队五大联赛乙级联赛真实球衣和队徽,英超~西甲~意甲~德甲~更新一些主要转会~安装方法~和安装视频教程LPES2017 Demo Full Game1、运行 "PesEgy eXtreme Demo Patch 2017 V1.exe"2-、点击 "Browse" 你的PES...