If you have any other queries about travel to Peru, then please don't hesitate to contact us. Before your trip, we strongly recommend that you check the latest travel advice to your destination. For visitors to Peru from the UK, we suggest the Foreign Office Website. Getting there You ...
The Foreign & Commonwealth Office and the NHS have up-to-date advice on staying safe and healthy abroad. For more on security, local laws, plus passport and visa information, see travelaware.campaign.gov.uk. Keep informed of current travel health news by visiting www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk. ...
Most European, North American and Australian citizens do not need a visa but up to date information can be found at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office website: http://www.fco.gov.uk/ Health Medical care is generally good in Lima and usually adequate in other major cities, but it is less...
For travel abroad, many foreign countries have specific entry requirements for children under 21 who are traveling internationally without BOTH parents. (These requirements are in response to the increased incidence of children being abducted and taken abroad.) PLEASE NOTE THAT TAUCK IS NOT RESPONSIBLE...
When travelling to a foreign country it’s always a good idea to know which items you can bring with no problems, and which ones you better leave at home because restrictions or bans apply in the country of your destination. For Peru find a quite detaile
For information on safety and security, go to the U.S. Department of StateMD Travel Health>, United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Foreign Affairs Canada, and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.Page drop box for MDth Peru Been to Peru recently? What is the cu...
We are slowly running out of ideas... We would prefer to go to the office in person, but we have often read that you can't get in without an appointment. Maybe someone else has some advice? Thanks in advance Reply Sunflower LimaEasy ...
As off-road travel operator in all over Peru we advice to hire one of our 4x4 ready to drive on unpaved multi terrains to reach remote corners and immerse in the deep of the peruvian culture, history and traditions. ADVENTURE CAMPING CENTER ...
"The importance that the President attaches to APEC is demonstrated by the fact that he has not missed an APEC leaders meeting since taking office."4U.S. Ambassador to APEC Patricia Haslach has indicated that Obama Administration views relations with APEC as important for U.S. foreign policy ...
He explained that he needed to contact the central office in Lima, which didn’t open until the next day and after our boat was to depart. But that timing didn’t matter because the officer said it would take a few days to process the error. So we would have to catch the next boat...