Persuasive Speech : The Negative Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes To begin let’s talk about the many, many health risks that are caused from smoking. I’ll start off with the biggest consequence smoking causes. Cancer. According to the website, nine out of ten lung cancers are caused...
In the worst case scenario, the baby might have to be placed on an organ donor transplant list to receive a new lung or lungs because the damage from the mother smoking cigarettes has completely ruined the baby’s lungs to where they are not able to be corrected by doctors. This can ...
This website really helped me. I’m sitting in class now looking at speech topics to do. The former essays give me great examples of how to start out my speech. I can’t decide if I want to go serious or funny, but so helpful. xoxo Casey26 Sep at 20:20 Hellooo everybody! I ne...
When adequately created and delivered explicitly, call to action persuasive speech will not only motivate people to take actions but also change their perspective about certain issues. The call to action in any essay should be conclusive and persuasive. However, most students don’t have the time...
List of Persuasive Speech Topics Animals 1. Should more pets be adopted than bought from a ...
However, smoking fake cigarettes, putting on fake breasts influence the children’s physical appearance amidst entertaining a group of people for prizes.Fig 1: Child beauty pageant contestant. In the above picture, the child has a distorted body image by applying makeup and spray tans, dressing ...
A problem in the US today is smoking cigarettes. Cigarettes are made up of literally hundreds of very harsh chemicals that are inhaled into the lungs and can cause serious consequences down the road. Marijuana has been compared to cigarettes in some studies. The good part about marijuana is th...