Now, in terms of who’s responsible for taking action, well, all of us have a role to play, but ultimately, it’s up to governments to show leadership. Governments could show leadership among all health sector partners by making sure that persons with disabilities are included in program de...
PDD ( Persons with Developmental Disabilities Program) is an Alberta government funding program. Its target population is adult Albertans ( over 18 yrs) with developmental disabilities. This program aims to assist them to be a part of their communities and live as independently as they can. Indivi...
The International Federation of L'Arche is made up of intentional, ecumenical, faith-based communities where people with and without developmental disabilities live together. Data on the worldwide federation offers an understanding of L'Arche communities that celebrate and encourage diversity and ...
United Nations' (UN) International Day of Persons with Disabilities is annually held on December 3 to focus on issues that affect people with disabilities worldwide. The International Day of Persons with Disabilities re-affirms and draws attention to the rights of people who live with disabilities...
un convention on the rights of persons with disabilities 联合国残疾人权利公约(英).doc,United Nations A /61/611 Distr.: General 6 December 2006 Original: English General Assembly Sixty-first session Item 67 (b Promotion and protection of human rights: hum
BACKGROUND: To introduce a person with multiple disabilities to a microswitch-aided program, one has to select a plausible response(s), that is, a response(s) that can be performed reliably and without excessive effort by the person and can successfully activate the microswitch(es) available ...
developing a Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on which he will be talking today. A Program for the afternoon is available at the front desk. I am sure if you have a question throughout Graeme’s talk he will be happy to answer and there will also be time for...
The intent of the ADA is to provide "not only equal treatment [for persons with disabilities], but also equal opportunity " (Rothstein, 1992, p.19, emphasis in original). The purpose of the ADA is not only to eliminate intentional discrimintion, but also to change "policies and practices...
7. At the same meeting, the Committee decided to recommend to the General Assembly for adoption a draft resolution entitled “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, containing the draft Convention and draft Optional Protocol (see annex). A/61/611 06-64530 4 Annex Draft ...
Persons with disabilities are using the National Wilderness Preservation System, and they are receiving a range of benefits from such wilderness use. The means-end theoretical and analysis perspective was used to explore the outcomes and related meanings associated with participating in a wilderness expe...