The appellant challenged the trial court's decision. Among other arguments, he claimed that he was falsely implicated in the case after he rejected a proposal by the victim's family to get her married to one of his sons. The High Court, however, dismissed this argum...
a projecttorelocateinternally displacepersonsfromthe six main IDP camps in Port-auPrince. 在这方面,加蓬欢迎马尔泰利总统启 动了一个项目,对太子港六个主要境内流离失所者营 地中的境内流离失所者进行重新安置。
JillianThe purpose of this project was to develop and write a grant proposal to fund a supported employment program for persons with severe mental illness (SMI). The project will provide the support necessary for the consumers to focus on developing work-based coping skills for persons with ...
In this study, we aimed to understand the underlying process of entraining steps to beats in music and metronomes and at different tempi in PwMS compared to HC. To reach this end, we applied DFA on inter-step-intervals to examine the gait dynamics when PwMS and HC were asked to synchron...
Three Emerging Artists Project08.29 - 10.12 The Moment,We Awe - Korean Contemporary Art08.29 - 09.28 Klein Sun Residency 2014 - Wen Hao,Zhang Yue08.28 - 10.28 The World III in the Third World08.27 - 10.04 TIME is Love.708.23 - 10.18 You Can Only Think about Something if You Think of Som...
has been canvassed in many fora, and Governor Udom Emmanuel has risen up to the challenge: he has taken strategic steps to diversify the state’s economy and project present and future economic prosperity for the state and its citizens through strategic investments, value addition and j...
There was also a lack of appropriate assistive devices in the hospital for patient use and they were rarely prescribed upon discharge. The need for assistive devices is based on the investigators’ proposal that issuance of a specific assistive device (wheelchair, crutch, brace, etc.) would immed...
but there is no universal standard for a “normal” level of participation. The worker role is clearly distinct from other social roles [41]. Paid work which is the focus of this project differs from volunteering work and has different normative aspects which should be considered in terms of ...
(1966), in the context of proposals to add the qualification “involuntary” to the term “servitude”. The proposal was rejected in both instances on the grounds that “[i]t should not be possible for any person to contract himself into bondage.” Ovey C and White Robin CA (2006);See...
The purpose of this grant proposal was to seek funding sources for an education and outreach program for Chinese-speaking caregivers of older adults with AD or related dementias in the cities of the San Gabriel Valley, California. The objectives of this program are to increase Chinese caregivers'...