self.old_to_new.update({o: n.item()})returnself.old_to_newclassMeanSplitAgglomerative(Split):""" split labels associated with a node to x branches by the mean vector of each class. close classes should be grouped together :param labels: numpy array of the labels :param branches: the n...
23 p. Enhancing Motion in Text-to-Video Generation with Decomposed Encoding and Conditioning 18 p. Teaching Embodied Reinforcement Learning Agents: Informativeness and Diversity of Language Use 5 p. Revisiting Joule-expansion experiments with a quantum gas 关于...
Personalized Federated Learning with Gaussian ProcessesIdan AchituveAviv ShamsianAviv NavonEthan Fetaya
2.1 FL中数据异构的特点 -- “Data heterogeneity is one of the most challenging issues in federated learning, which motivates a variety of approaches to learn personalized models for participating clients. ” 2.2 常见解决异构的方式:对于不同的任务,采用公共的特征表示方式以及不同的分类头 -- “One su...
Chandra, “Federated Learning with Non-IID Data,” arXiv:1806.00582, 2018. Jeong等人提出了FAug,这是一种联邦增强方法,在FL服务器上训练生成对抗网络(GAN)模型。将少数群体的一些数据样本上传到服务器上以训练GAN模型。然后,将训练好的GAN模型分发给每个客户端,生成额外的数据,以增加其本地数据,从而生成一个I...
learning rate of the server inner_lr: float, learning rate of the node embed_lr: float, learning rate of the embedding layer wd: float, weight decay of the server inner_wd: float, weight decay of the node embed_dim: int, the dimension of the embedding layer output hyper_hid: int, th...
当以“federated personal”为关键词,在 dblp 上进行文献检索的时候,会发现个性化联邦学习(PFL, Personalized Federated Learning)的研究在2021年的有明显增加。 经小鱼的查询,至22年4月16日针对个性化联邦学习的综述文章仅两篇[1][2],其中...
UK4Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA∗Corresponding AuthorAbstractAmid the ongoing advancements in Federated Learning (FL), a machine learning paradigmthat allows collaborative learning with data privacy protection, personalized FL (pFL)has gained signif i cant prominence as a research directi...
machine-learningdeep-learningpytorchfederated-learningpersonalized-federated-learning UpdatedJun 12, 2023 Python PyTorch Implementation of Personalized federated learning with theoretical guarantees: A model-agnostic meta-learning approach pytorchmeta-learningfederated-learningpersonalized-federated-learning ...
4 Federated Personalized Subgraph Learning 4.1 Subgraph Similarity Estimation Model Parameters for Subgraph Similarities(参数相似度) 首先考虑使用模型参数之间的相似度进行度量,即 S=\frac{\theta_i \cdot \theta_j}{\Vert \theta_i\Vert\Vert \theta_j\Vert} ,即余弦相似度。但由于余弦相似度受到维数灾难的...