There are plenty of good guesses in the form of scholarly ideas about the benefits of crying. So it may be premature for Thinking types to dismiss crying based on its perceived lack of practicality. It may also be premature for Feeling personality types to insist that there is a therapeutic...
Click HERE to download a ZIP file with interviews, chat transcripts, dialogs, bibliographies, and scholarly articles Write to for a Phone or E-mail Consultation The contents of this website are not meant to substitute for professional help and counseling. The readers are disco...
Replication of Critical Findings in Personality Psychology Edited by Dr. Brent Donnellan Prof. Richard Lucas Last update February 2018 Within-Person Variability in Personality Edited by Simine Vazire Ryne A. Sherman Last update August 2017 Personality in Childhood ...
Read the latest articles of Personality and Individual Differences at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
Click HERE to download a ZIP file with interviews, chat transcripts, dialogs, bibliographies, and scholarly articles Write to for a Phone or E-mail Consultation The contents of this website are not meant to substitute for professional help and counseling. The readers are disco...
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is characterized by arrogance, self-importance, and grandiosity.1,2,3Narcissists rely entirely on external sources of validation to maintain their self-esteem and often alternate between extreme pride and shame.4,5,6While NPD can be difficult to treat, therap...
Very wealthy people influence political and societal processes by wielding their economic power through foundations, lobbying groups, media campaigns, as investors and employers. Because personality shapes goals, attitudes, and behaviour, it is important
CAPT has an extensive library of reference material to support scholarly endeavors and is a major resource and proponent of using type in educational settings. Training and Workshops MBTI Certification Type for Kids This website provides information on using the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for ...
The Special Issue aims to honor the memory of Philip Zimbardo and his rich contribution to psychology - as a researcher, teacher, and popularizer; it will also address the current status of temporality in personality science and theory.