Free personality test - take it to find out why our readers say that this personality test is so accurate, “it's a little bit creepy.” No registration required!
Our4 question free online Myers Briggs Personality Test* (i.e. Cognitive Style Inventory) will help you determine the letters of your MBTI or to assist in verifying your Myers Briggs personality type score. * The MBTI Test & The Cognitive Style Inventory of Personality Type ...
Our 4 question free online Myers Briggs Personality Test* (i.e. Cognitive Style Inventory) will help you determine the letters of your MBTI or to assist in verifying your Myers Briggs personality type score. * The MBTI Test & The Cognitive Style Inventory of Personality Type This modest self...
MBTI 的基础是著名心理学家卡尔·荣格先生划分的心理类型。后来,Katharine Cook Briggs 与 Isabel Briggs Myers 对其进行研究和发展。 MBTI由4组单词组成: 外向(Extroversion)/内向(Introversion) 感觉(Sensing)/直觉(Intuition) 思维(Thinking)/情感(Feeling) 判断(Judging)/知觉(Perceiving) 精力支配 (I)内向&(E)外...
mbti官方免费国际版(Professional personality test) MBTI是迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)的简称,包括16种人格类型。它由著名心理学家荣格的理论发展而来,帮助用户了解自己的性格类型,并提供了个性化的建议。MBTI职业人格类型测试 65道精选题 深度分析 130个选项 进入测试 MBTI人格类型|16型人格...
MBTI职业性格测试作为一种对个性的判断和分析,是一个理论模型,从纷繁复杂的个性特征中,归纳提炼出4个关键要素——动力、信息收集、决策方式、生活方式,进行分析判断,从而把不同个性的人区别开来。 测评是为了更好的了解自己,改变从探索自己开始,由于环境、经历等因素的变化,性格在动态地发展,一个人的MBTI倾向就是他...
Take our advanced MBTI personality test to uncover your unique cognitive functions and discover a deeper understanding of your conscious and subconscious traits. Get accurate, insightful results that reflect your true personality.
The MBTI® assessment is often deemed the "official" personality type test, as it is the instrument created by Myers and Briggs themselves. However, since Myers and Briggs developed their theory in the 1960's, many other tests and quizzes have been created based on their ideas. Some of ...
Take the Test 415K+ Tests taken today 222M+ Tests taken in China 1351M+ Total tests taken 91.2% Results rated as accurate or very accurate Personality types Understand others In our free type descriptions you’ll learn what really drives, inspires, and worries different personality types, helpi...
The MBTI test Myers-Briggs provides the framework for life-long personal growth depending on your personality type. Learn how to take the MBTI Test for Free.