CHAPTER TEN Personality Disorders. Clinical Features of Personality Disorders Personality disorders Chronic interpersonal difficulties Problems with identity. PERSONALITY DISORDERS A class of psychological disorders characterized by rigid personality traits that impair people’s ability to adjust to the deman...
Personality Disorders Axis II disorders Text’s Definition: “long-standing pattern of maladaptive behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.” DSM Definition: “enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual’s culture, is pervasive and inflexible...
人格疾患(PersonalityDisorders).ppt,人格疾患 (Personality Disorders) 資料整理:翁庭芳 何政勳 陳麗雲 呂艾珉 彙整:蔡順良 2005.05.29 人格疾患 在DSM-Ⅳ中的一般診斷性原則 A.一種有關內在經驗行為及行為的持續模式,與此人文化背景所預期者相離甚遠。此模式表現於
Research has demonstrated that when people experience high levels of negative emotion and resulting distress, they act impulsively in an attempt to decrease this distress, prioritizing short-term soothing activities like risky driving and poor dieting, over other effective strategies (Al-Musharaf,2020; ...
The World Health Organization warns that those 65 years old and above as well as people with existing disorders like asthma, diabetes and heart problems, are deemed vulnerable to the harms caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. That is why it is important for these groups of people to stay ...
Narcissistic Inflated sense of self; arrogant, deficient in empathy; sees self as special; sense of entitlement. Treatment: long term, psychodynamic and cognitive approach. Explaining Personality Disorders Other psychoanalytic ideas: Antisocial personality disorder develops when a child lacks appropriate role...
Clinical Features of Personality Disorders DSM criteria include enduring behavior pattern Pervasive and inflexible Stable and of long duration Clinically significant distress or impairment in functioning Manifested in at least two areas Manifested in at least two areas: cognition, affectivity, interpersonal ...
Personality Disorders Clinical Features of Personality Disorders: –social, interpersonal concept –chronic, persistent and pervasive –often do not see themselves as having a problem –involve others Personality Disorders Clinical Features of Personality Disorders: –inability to bring themselves into harmony...
Personality Disorders Dimensions or Categories? DSM-IV Consided as Categories (not dimensions) Axis II of the multiaxial system Not usually primary diagnosis Ten Specific Labels Cluster A: “Odd / Eccentric” Cluster B: “Dramatic / Emotional” Cluster C: “Anxious / Fearful” High Rates of Como...
Personality Disorders PERSONALITY DISORDERS A class of psychological disorders characterized by rigid personality traits that impair people’s ability to adjust to the demands. Psychology December 11, 2011 Warm Up Get your homework out because we will have several philosophical chairs discussions. If...