潜意识Millon临床多轴库存 MCMI 抑郁型人格障碍 Depressive personality disorder 抑郁型人格障碍(也称为忧郁型人格障碍)是一种精神病学诊断,表示具有抑郁特征的人格障碍。 抑郁性人格障碍最初包括在美国精神病学协会的 DSM-II中,已从DSM-III和DSM-III-R中移除。最近,已重新考虑将其恢复为诊断。抑郁性人格障碍目前在...
Grant BF, Chou SP, Goldstein RB, et al.Prevalence, correlates, disability, and comorbidity of DSM-IV borderline personality disorder: Results from the Wave 2 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.J Clin Psychiatry. 2008;69(4):533-545. Johnson JG, Cohen P, Smailes EM...
5. Shedler J, Beck A, Fonagy P, Gabbard GO, Gunderson J, Kernberg O, Michels R, Westen D: Personality disorders in DSM-5. Am J Psychiatry 167:1026-8, 2010. 6. Skodol AE: Revision of the personality disorder model for DSM-5. Am J Psychiatry 168:97, 2011. 7. Shedler J, Beck...
1948年的DSM-I,当时的名称叫做“情绪不稳定人格”(英语:emotionally unstable personality disorder),第二次世界大战,大家对这谜样的心理病症仍无法勾勒出清楚轮廓,然而曙光似乎在1967、68年开始呈现,1967肯伯格发表边缘人格组织(英语:borderline personality organization)论文,他提出此人格三大特点,与DSM诊断标准有直接关系...
自恋型人格障碍(Narcissistic personality disorder, NPD)的特点是显性或隐性夸大、迫切需要关注和赞美、人际关系肤浅且缺乏共情(也叫换位思考,是站在对方立场设身处地思考的一种能力)。 人格障碍 自恋型人格障碍的DSM-5 诊断标准 该疾病的 DSM-5 诊断标准包括 : ●A. 一种普遍的夸大(在幻想或行为中)、对赞美的...
自恋型人格疾患(英语:Narcissistic personality disorder,简称为NPD),是一种长久性的人格疾患。患者往往会过度夸大强化自我的重要性,过度渴求别人的赞赏,缺乏同理他人行为的能力[2][3]。患者会花很多时间,思考如何获得权力、成功或提升外在形象。最大的特征之一,就是患者经常无意识地利用身边的人。这样的行为通常始于青...
The five-factor model of personality disorder and DSM-5. Journal of Personality.Trull, T. J. (2012). The Five-Factor Model of personality disorder and DSM-5. Journal of Personality, 80, 1697-1720.Trull, T. J. (2012). The five-factor model of personality disorder and DSM-5. Journal...
Table 1. DSM-5 Personality Disorders Slightly over 9% of the U.S. population suffers from a personality disorder, with avoidant and schizoid personality disorders the most frequent (Lezenweger, Lane, Loranger, & Kessler, 2007). Two of these personality disorders, borderline personality disorder ...
The initial DSM-5 Web site posting of the new PD model included the LPFS, the five "narrow" narrative prototypes (without NPD), associated and independent pathological traits, and a revised set of general criteria for personality disorder (GCPD) to replace those in DSM–IV, which were not ...
Personality in DSM-5: helping delineate personality disorder content and framing the metastructure. J Pers Assess 2011 Jul;93(4):325-31.Krueger RF, Eaton NR, Derringer J, Markon KE, Watson D, Skodol AE. Personality in DSM-5: helping delineate personality disorder content and framing the ...