Compared to mood disorders such as clinical depression and bipolar disorder, there have historically been relatively few studies on how to effectively treat personality disorders. Many experts believe that personality disorders are difficult to treat because they are, by definition, long-standing patterns...
2013c. DSM-5 and the general definition of personality disorder. Clin. Soc. Work J. 41(2):168-83Wakefield JC. DSM-5 and the general definition of personality disorder. Clin Soc Work J 2013; 41: 168-183.Wakefield JC (2013c). DSM-5 and the general definition of personality disorder. ...
E. (2011). Personality in DSM-5: Helping delineate personality disorder content and framing the metastructure. Journal of Personality Assessment, 93, 325-331.Krueger, R. F., Eaton, N. R., Derringer, J., Markon, K. E., Watson, D., & Skodol, A. E. (2011). Personality in DSM-5...
自恋型人格障碍(Narcissistic personality disorder, NPD)的特点是显性或隐性夸大、迫切需要关注和赞美、人际关系肤浅且缺乏共情(也叫换位思考,是站在对方立场设身处地思考的一种能力)。 人格障碍 自恋型人格障碍的DSM-5 诊断标准 该疾病的 DSM-5 诊断标准包括 : ●A. 一种普遍的夸大(在幻想或行为中)、对赞美的...
边缘型人格障碍(borderline personality disorder,缩写:BPD)也称为情绪不稳定人格障碍 (EUPD)[1],简称边缘人格(ICD-10),是一种B型人格疾患,以长期不稳定的人际关系模式、扭曲的自我概念和强烈的情绪反应为主要特征。[2][3][4]它的另一个主要特征是精神上和行为上的极端对立且交互并存,并作出自我伤害等破坏性的...
抑郁型人格障碍 Depressive personality disorder 抑郁型人格障碍(也称为忧郁型人格障碍)是一种精神病学诊断,表示具有抑郁特征的人格障碍。 抑郁性人格障碍最初包括在美国精神病学协会的 DSM-II中,已从DSM-III和DSM-III-R中移除。最近,已重新考虑将其恢复为诊断。抑郁性人格障碍目前在DSM-IV-TR的附录B中有描述,值...
自恋型人格疾患(英语:Narcissistic personality disorder,简称为NPD),是一种长久性的人格疾患。患者往往会过度夸大强化自我的重要性,过度渴求别人的赞赏,缺乏同理他人行为的能力[2][3]。患者会花很多时间,思考如何获得权力、成功或提升外在形象。最大的特征之一,就是患者经常无意识地利用身边的人。这样的行为通常始于青...
Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder The definition of NPD states that it comprises of a persistent manner of grandiosity, a continuous desire for admiration, along with a lack of empathy. It starts by early adulthood and occurs in a range of situations, as signified by the existence of...
Keywords: narcissistic personality disorder, DSM-5, narcissism, personality disorder, personality func- tioning Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) in DSM–IV (and now also in Section II of DSM-5) describe "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and...
The criteria for personality disorders in Section II of DSM-5 have not changed from those in DSM–IV. Therefore, the diagnosis of Section II narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) will perpetuate all of the well-enumerated shortcomings associated with the diagnosis since DSM–III. In this article...