Let’s take a look at an example of how using adjectives help us create awesome sentences! This is my cat. This is my fluffy, gentle, most caring, and loving cat! As you can see the second sentence is much more appealing for the reader, compared to the first sentence. ...
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Mine too! Anonymous 10 years ago This one is not so close to my parenting personality. I am rather a drill sergeant. Sensitive and warm? I don't think my children would use those adjectives for me. Page 1 1 Page 2 2 Page 3 3 Page 4 4 Page 5 5 ...
The MOTIVES personality model is basically a refinement of the Big 5 academic personality model which was developed when researchers averaged the data on people's self ratings on a large pool of descriptive adjectives, finding five discrete personality traits. Although, ironically, some of the flaws...
L Words to Describe Someone M Words to Describe Someone N Words to Describe Someone O Words to Describe Someone P Words to Describe Someone Q Words to Describe Someone R Words to Describe Someone S Words to Describe Someone T Words to Describe Someone ...
Each item contains two adjectives and is introduced by the phrase: “I see myself as:”. Each item is scored on a 7-point scale ranging from 1 (“strongly disagree”) to 7 (“strongly agree”). Empathy was measured with the Italian validated version of the Brief version of the ...
“consider, for example, the hundreds of adjectives summarized by each of the Big Five personality traits (Huta 2013c).” from Eudaimonia and Its Distinction from Hedonia: Developing a Classification and Terminology for Understanding Conceptual and Operational Definitions. Veronika Huta • Alan...
People of this personality type are known for being kind and compassionate while having strong principles and ideals. Other adjectives used to describe them include: Creative Insightful Principled Passionate Altruistic Perfectionistic INJFs care deeply, have big dreams, and will do what they ...
Appearance or personality Adjectives Describing people Appearance or personality Adjectives Appearance or personality Good Not so good Personality - Circle the adjectives that describe you and underline the adjectives that describe your friend I think I am… I think my friend is… Bullying Bullies ...
Avoid service adjectives and verbs that make Alexa appear subservient, desperate to help, or overly eager — Amazon seeks to position Alexa in an empowered way. That means that while some users might be amused to ask Alexa to "do the laundry," "make me a sandwich," or "feed the kids,...