The verse that foretells of a time when G-d will conceal himself from His children, ואנכי הסתר אסתיר פני — I will surely have concealed My face, alludes to אסתר, whose very name intimates something hidden. This verse follows an ...
Federal jobs were often stagnant and difficult to attain at the time of my degree. I turned to a career in private security with emphasis on moving into a management position. Now as an officer in security management, my sights are set on advancing a career to the promotion of Site ...
Everything becomes more pronounced when you feel you're on a time clock. Nature, a sunset, family, everything became much more meaningful to me. I will never put myself under the stress of doing two jobs again. It simply is not worth it. Clearly my body couldn't handle it and life...
At this year’s inaugural LAVA championship spelling bee, multiple students I have tutored demonstrated the intelligence and agency I always knew they had, they just needed the extra support and encouragement that LAVA provides. Tapping into that potential can change the trajectory of students’ liv...
Um, and unlike some of my peers that I went to high school with, they all worked like, you know, jobs, um, at like the local ice cream shop or they were, you know, hosts at, you know, some type of diner or they tutored on the side. I couldn’t do that on the H-4 visa...
Author: monette | Category: CART/captioning, Deaf, Hard of Hearing, HLAA, HOH, Interpreter, late deafened, Oral Deaf, religious events, Remote Interpreting, Sign Interpreters, Tutor | Tags: Court Reporting Whisperer, Tutor & Empowerment Coach CART Captioning And The $10,000 Spaghetti Dinner ~~...
Also when the Uni course tutor was chalenged they gave the brush off. Apparently the Uni concerned has a clause that enables them to use the interlectual property of the students… It is for this reason I always put a copyright notice in all my documents and I would advise all others ...
I unearthed reams of my mother’s weekly, sometimes daily letters. She and I have always had an electric and combustible relationship. As a child, she was my storyteller who taught my imagination to soar but also my relentless and strict teacher who forcefully tutored me in Latin, Greek, ...
As you interpret the data, remember that the Bill Gates and Steve Jobs of the world are the NTs: the thinkers, strategizers and visionaries. From the same Time Magazine article, here’s another terrific infographic with a links to the right about every MBTI profile type and ...
me with high scores in examination. with a perfect mastery of specialized knowledge, i also developed myself in all-round way. i have been paying special attention to foster my managerial ability, coordinate ability and cooperative ability. so i have done lots of jobs during my college life,...