WritingPersonalStatementsforGraduateSchool Yourpersonalstatementisyourintroductiontoauniversityadmissioncommittee.Theaimofyour statementistocommunicatethatyouareintelligentandliterateandthatyouhaveinterestsandabilitiesin commonwiththeprograminwhichyouareinterested.
A personal statement forgraduate schoolis an opportunity to showcase what you will bring to the graduate program and to explain how the program fits into your larger career goals. Some programs will ask you to write a single essay covering both your personal background and what you wish to s...
一般来说,对于graduate school的申请,绝大多数是需要这一段的。原因一:why school/why program这样的...
Personal statement examples for graduate school: what is the prompt? When doing something that can completely determine your future, people don’t neglect to use all the possible prompts and clues that are even available. One of those is personal statement examples for graduate school. Entering gr...
There is no rubric for a good personal statement for grad school, but the ones that stand out all share a few common features. Regardless of the prompt, they: Answer the question; Showcase a positive trait or characteristic; Sound like a graduate-level st...
Our graduate school experts have been kind enough to provide some successful grad school personal statement examples. We’ll provide three examples here, along with brief analysis of what makes each one successful. Sample Personal Statement for Graduate School 1 ...
研究生入学个人陈述(Personalstatementsofgraduatestudents) Graduateadmissionpersonalstatement I.academicbackground Inthesummerof2005,IwasadmittedtotheDepartmentofenvironmentalengineeringattheWuhanUniversityinWuhan,Jiangxiawithexcellentresults,andspentthepastfewyearsenjoyingmyfullstudyandsocialactivities. ...
下面粘一点【读书笔记】过来,出处是很有名的那本How to write a winning personal statement for graduate and professional schools,因为要我要申请law school所以重点看了相关的部分。题主申请本科,看书名好像不太合适,但其实很多内容还是适用的,比如开头的一些tips可以帮助打开文书思路,后半段的招生官建议反馈里一些...
大学毕业申请留学的Personal_StatementPersonal Statement Applicant:XXX My name isXXX. I am studying inZhujiangCollegeof south china agricultural university, majoring in English translation. I am going to graduate in June 2013 from my university. Now I am applying for my further study abroad, for...
Sample 2: A personal statement for a graduate program PERSONAL STATEMENT I was born on May 18, 1979, in Jinan, the capital city 出生日期 of Shandong Province in eastern China. My father is a 家庭背景 worker and my mother takes care of the house like a typical Chinese woman of ...