NURSING care facilitiesETHICAL problemsSOCIODEMOGRAPHIC factorsThis study was conducted to investigate the relationship between individuals' personal values and the principles of care ethics. The descriptive-cross-sectional study was carried out between January and August 2019. Data we...
Using a pre-training and post-training survey research design, 683 participants completed a personal/home care aide (P/HCA) training program. After training, participants chose a career goal and were placed in one of the following groups: (1) only goal to be a P/HCA, (2) become a certi...
Personal goals and social support in close relationships: Effects on relationship mood and marital satisfaction. Two studies examined the importance of social support as related to the pursuit of personal goals in accounting for individuals' satisfaction with close re... JC Brunstein,G Dangelmayer,OC...
Monica is an open-source web application that enables you to document your life, organize, and log your interactions with your family and friends. We call it a PRM, or Personal Relationship Management. Imagine a CRM—a commonly used tool by sales teams in the corporate world—for your friend...
We propose that by narrating personal meanings, multivocal significance can be restored withinworlds of care. In this article, we illustrate a relationship-based approach to the construction of meaning. We convey messages of personal meaning as they emerge in the relationship of the researchers with...
“My feelings matter in this relationship.” “Self-care makes me a better partner.” “I will grow alongside my partner, not just with them.” Dr. Raviv Berlin, Stamford Health’s chair of psychiatry, shares advice on practicing self-care and supporting your overall mental health: ...
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you bust through your fears, connect to your soul and get focused and clear so you can elevate your life, business and relationship... Listen in as Lori Harder, founder of the Bliss Project, 3X time fitness world champion, fitness ...
In general, the results of this study support our hypothesized model (see Figure 1). We found a positive association between selection, optimization, and compensation and work ability and a negative relationship between subjective health complaints and work ability, supporting Hypotheses 1 and 2. Lik...
care, traumatic stress in the face of COVID-19, self-care, and preventive behaviors against COVID-19 infection and distress will predict QoL; and H3: self-care is expected to moderate the relationship between traumatic stress regarding COVID-19 and QoL as well as in the relationship between...
Intimate relationships Compares passionate and compassionate love and discusses what is essential and what is not for the former, how to deal with rejection, and how to maintain passion in a long-term relationship. CLICK ON THE FIELD TO OPEN THE CHAPTER 33. Meaning Covers the difference between...