A new instrument has been developed for researching personal ultraviolet radiation exposure. The Personal UV Dosimeter Badge: Mark II ("Badge" for short) is designed to allow researchers and school groups to monitor the UV exposure of selected individuals. Improvements to the previous instrument ...
The RADTriage 50 Radiation Detector is a U.S. Military-grade personal dosimeter that instantly detects radiation exposure in the event of a dirty bomb, nuclear reactor accident such as Fukushima and Chernobyl and other sources of radiation. This always-on wallet card/badge radiation detector does...
— We have designed, developed, and field evaluated a two-part personal dosimeter for estimating ocular exposure to visible and ultraviolet radiation. The detector head is compact enough to be mounted on the bow of eyeglass frames, and the recorder is small enough to be carried in a shirt ...
When the control value is exceeded, an alarm is issued from a buzzer 8. The IC card 2 can be fitted and removed. When the user leaves a radiation control area, accordingly, he removes the IC card 2 from a dosimeter and brings back only an IC card 9. 展开 ...
Skin cancers are strongly linked to personal exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, yet UV exposure is also the most preventable risk factor. People are e
SIRAD badge dosimeters provide a visual qualitative measurement of exposure to radiation for mid range dose exposure. This is performed using an active radiochromic dosimeter in a transparent window, combined into a badge assembly. When irradiated, the badges active window turns blue, which can be...
Personal dosimeter badgedoi:USD325171 SLaffaille, ClaudeUSUSD325171 Dec 29, 1987 Apr 7, 1992 Compagnie Generale Des Matieres Nuclearies Personal dosimeter badge
A personal dosimeter similar to a radiation film badge has been developed that can be worn on the coat lapel. The waste anesthetic gases being sampled diffuse into the dosimeter and are adsorbed onto a solid collection element. Later analysis of this substrate by electron-capture gas ...
In the present work performance of film badge as an alternative personal dosimeter for thermal neutrons is investigated. To do this, a cadmium-lead (Cd-Pb) filter with the same thickness as the tin-lead (Sn-Pb) filter is attached to the AERE/RPS badge. Si...
This multi-element TL dosimeter badge system allows the discrimination of the incident radiation type between photon and beta by using the ratios of the four TL detectors. Personal TL dosimeter using sintered LiF:Mg,Cu,Na,Si TL detectors has the ability to measure a personal dose equivalent ()...