The gender specification of personal pronouns in German which refer to lexical hybrids like Mdchen (neuter noun; eng.: girl) can either be determined directly by the grammatical features of these nouns (das Mdchen […] es) or by the sex of their referents (das Mdchen […] sie). This ...
Per·so·nal·pro·no·men<-s, ->名词nt语言 Personalpronomen personalpronoun 单数在互联网中有10个示例复数在互联网中有10个示例 您希望如何使用 广告版的PONS 像往常一样访问PONS.com并进行广告跟踪和广告投放 接受并继续有关追踪的详细信息,请参阅数据保护信息和隐私设置。
ThepersonalpronounsintheGermaniclanguages:AstudyofpersonalpronounmorphologyandchangeintheGermaniclanguagesfromthefirstrecordstothepresentdayByStephenHowe(r... T.(1998). The personal pronouns in the Germanic languages: A study of personal pronoun morphology and change in the Germanic languages from the first...
ThepersonalpronounsintheGermaniclanguages:AstudyofpersonalpronounmorphologyandchangeintheGermaniclanguagesfromthefirstrecordstothepresentdayByStephenHowe(r... T.(1998). The personal pronouns in the Germanic languages: A study of personal pronoun morphology and change in the Germanic languages from the first...
Learn about German pronouns, both possessive and personal, with a German pronoun chart. Discover how these parts of speech are used grammatically...
This paper deals with the distribution and reference of the German demonstrative pronoun der and its case and gender vari-ants, in comparison with the behaviour of personal pronouns. After introducing the relevant facts about both pronoun types, we develop our Complementarity Hy-pothesis, which clai...
German personal pronouns (ich, sie, er, es, du, wir,and more) work in much the same way as their English equivalents (I, she, he, it, you, we, etc.). When you study verbs, you should already understand pronouns well. They are a key element of most sentences that you should memo...
In the present article, the territorial distribution of a dialectal area is described according to the dialectal realization of the personal pronouns 'ich, du, sie' as well as to the realization of selected common nouns. In addition, the article deals with the possible origin of the German ...
The examples in (11) show that both Frisian and German impersonal pronouns can have a reading where the speaker is potentially included in the set of referents: the fact that one needs a car to live in the countryside extends to the speaker too. The examples in (12), on the other hand...
PARTS OF SPEECH (other than verbs and pronouns) 19個詞語 HIlter and the German People 41個詞語 Week 5 Image Library: German Romanticism 11個詞語 Exam #1- Interrogative Pronouns 9個詞語 diagramm 15個詞語 German Communist Party and the Weimar Republic ...