Chapter 9: Afrikaans : The Personal Pronouns in the Germanic Languages A Study of Personal Pronoun Morphology and Change in the Germanic Languages from the First Records to the Present Daydoi: Personal Pronouns in the Germanic...
ThepersonalpronounsintheGermaniclanguages:AstudyofpersonalpronounmorphologyandchangeintheGermaniclanguagesfromthefirstrecordstothepresentdayByStephenHowe(r... T.(1998). The personal pronouns in the Germanic languages: A study of personal pronoun morphology and change in the Germanic languages from the first...
The use of first-person pronouns in argumentative writing of Afrikaans speaking first-year students : a corpus-based investigation The writing of academic texts in which the voice of the author figures more prominently is actively gaining support among academics. There is an increasing... Z Meintj...