A personal loan is of a shorter duration, the duration is usually between one and five years. The repayment options are usually flexible and depend on the lender and the credit history of the borrower.One need not make any down payment (as in car loan or house loan) or provide a guarant...
# The Bank reserves the right to request additional documents for further approval. * The above example assumes an original loan amount of HKD1,200,000 and is for illustration purpose only. The Annualised Percentage Rates (“APR”) of 8.16% (for 48-month repayment period) and 8.15% (for...
court or regulatory authority to notify the customer of a change in lender of record; (c) has defaulted in performing its obligations under the documents entered into in connection with the sale of the customer loan; (d) ceases to administer and manage the loans; (e) a material part of t...
Since he first announced myRA at Tuesday night's State of the Union speech, President Obama wasted no time in signing the executive order to make it happen the second morning, before he started his road trip to tour his newest idea. What is myRA? Whitehouse'sfact sheetgave more details. ...
Like many others, it's agreat reliefto me to see the gradual market recovery since this spring. While my confidence hasn*t been fully recovered, it is probably good time to recognize I made mistakes and re-embrace the responsibility to manage our money forward. ...