APLH Personal Licence services provides a cost effective online training course and exam to gain your personal licence holders qualification. Essential for anyone working in, or wanting a career in the alcohol, pub or hospitality industry.
CMFAS RES 1A Exam Question: Which of the following statements regarding a Designated Market-Maker is FALSE? a) All trades done by a Designated Market-Maker in any Specified Securities must be routed through a CMS licence holder. b) A person must be registered with SGX-ST as a market-making...
The UK's No.1 Personal Licence App also includes: **Book your Personal Licence exam online and get your APLH qualification** Before you can apply for your Personal Licence, you need to sit for the Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH) exam. You can book this on the app. With our...
Before you can apply for your Personal Licence, you need to sit for the Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH) exam. You can book this on the app. With our online APLH course, you can take the exam from the comfort of your home (or indeed, from anywhere) ...