uniqueidentityno# Steuernummer Steuerregistriernummer tax id Steueridentifikationsnummer Steuer-ID# taxnumber# Steuernr Steuer-Nr.# taxnumber Steueridentifikationsnr. TIN# (Steueridentifikationsnummer) taxidno# taxidnumber# Steuernr.# TIN-ID TIN-Nr. cpr.nr cprnr cprnummer personnr personregister ...
Schweiz SSN AHV-Nummer Nationale Identifikationsnummer Taiwans Nummer des taiwanesischen Passes Zertifikatsnummer für Einwohner Taiwans (ARC/TARC) Identifikationscode der thailändischen Bevölkerung Nationale Identifikationsnummer der Türkei Physische Adressen in der Türkei Arten von Medikamenten VA...
Similar to Alipay, WeChat Pay stores users’ personal information for the period of time specified by law, regulation or supervision. WeChat Pay has also taken a number of measures to ensure the security of users' funds and information. Physical protection, security technology, management system ...
Customer name, address, telephone number, name of authorised user, email address, national identity number (if appropriate), date of birth, length of time at address, proof of identity, legal form, length of time in business, company registration number, VAT number, funding instrument including ...
Details can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/62538/datenubertragung-aus-der-eu-dem-ewr-und-der- schweiz?lang=en. For further information on this subject, please consult LinkedIn's Data Privacy Declaration at: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy. XING ...
Customer name, address, telephone number, name of authorised user, email address, national identity number (if appropriate), date of birth, length of time at address, proof of identity, legal form, length of time in business, company registration number, VAT number, funding instrument including ...
taxidnumber# Steuer-Nr.# taxnumber# taxnumber TIN-ID TIN-Nr. TIN# (Steueridentifikationsnummer) unikalus identifikavimo kodas unikalus identifikavimo numeris eindeutige Identifikationsnummer eindeutige Identitätsnummer uniqueidentityno#Deutsch (Schweiz) Ihre Datenschutzoptionen Design Cookies verwalt...
Schweiz SSN AHV-Nummer Nationale Identifikationsnummer Taiwans Nummer des taiwanesischen Passes Zertifikatsnummer für Einwohner Taiwans (ARC/TARC) Identifikationscode der thailändischen Bevölkerung Nationale Identifikationsnummer der Türkei Physische Adressen in der Türkei Arten von Medikamenten VA...
Name/Business name, Address, Email, phone number Pipl, Inc. (USA) To verify identity and carry out checks for the prevention and detection of crime including fraud and/or money laundering. Name, address, telephone number, email address and date of birth ...
Name/Business name, Address, Email, phone number Pipl, Inc. (USA) To verify identity and carry out checks for the prevention and detection of crime including fraud and/or money laundering. Name, address, telephone number, email address and date of birth ...