Play 5 Money Musts Your friend Taylor recently graduated college and needs your help with finances. Help Taylor figure out the money stuff in the game so you can skip the mistakes in real life and start leveling up. Let's PlayPaying down debt How to pay off debt—and save too Balancing...
‘Wants’ tend to reflect an emotional attachment to a ‘thing’ or state of being, whereas ‘Needs’ tend to reflect the true, underlying, psychological musts that are to be met if we are to stay sane. The problem is – identifying the difference. Meeting Wants is often easier, occasiona...
A Should is something you need to do, but it’s not dire that it be done today. Answering certain emails may be a Should. It’s important, but delaying it a day or two may not be a big deal, especially if you have a list of Musts due tomorrow. A Want is something you’d like...