Discover how to prepare your kids to handle personal finances and manage their money in college with this article from Better Money Habits.
If you’ve never invested before, if you’ve never even heard of something, um, just make time, set a schedule maybe for me, I set aside two hours every week where I focus only on, or sorry, two hours every two weeks to focus on only my finances. So I pay off my credit cards,...
You need to learnhow to manage financeswhile you are still in school so that you can grow into a responsible adult.You better be smart when it comes to spring spending. It means living within your means and not beyond is a must. And this you can achieve if you adoptfinancial planningstr...
Personalize your approach to student loans:Those who have student loans, especially those with a lot of student loans, need to approach their finances differently than those who do not have student loan debt.Student Loan Solutionexplains what student loan borrowers should be focusing on when it co...
These basic life lessons simply don’t exist in our school system. In fact, our government has failed generations of students when it comes to getting the financial education necessary for them to succeed in life. Maybe it’s by design, to keep the masses working for corporations and in deb...
This market-leading text offers a student-friendly, practical introduction to managing personal finances. The structured pedagogy helps students learn how to save and invest, manage student loans, file taxes, decrease credit card debt and plan for the future. Throughout the text, students receive ...
Best for Older Teens: “Broke Millennial” by Erin Lowry By now, themillennial generationhas left its teen years behind. Yet the advice in Erin Lowry’s “Broke Millennial” continues to have relevance for the high school and college students of Generation Z. ...
Episode 3(Published 7/1/2024):This PhD Promotes DEI with a Focus on Finances(Expert Interview with Dr. Carolina Mendoza Cavazos) Episode 4(Published 7/15/2024):Unveiling the Hidden Curriculum of Grad School Funding for First-Gen BIPOC Students(Expert Interview with Dra. Yvette Martínez-Vu an...
Most students do not give much thought to financial management. This could be mainly because most of them receive support from their parents and they only care about spending. However, there is more a student can learn as far as planning for their finances is concerned. Apart from saving, th...
Understanding how to manage your finances is an important life-planning tool that can help set you up for a life without debt; you gain control of financial stresses and have a way to manage the expensive surprises that life can throw at you....